A Little help for an Old Racer


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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2008
Guys After many years in dry dock, I talked My Old Racing Buddy into running and racing again. We rebuilt His O.P.S. 67 and installed a new radio. The 1984 High wing Renault was ready to test. After a couple testing days. We had all the bugs out and running fine. This was His frist pistol grip transmitter, While locating the trim knob, He took His eye off boat . The boat struck a half sunken Full size motor boat. This totally destroyed the boat. He was trying to make His first race in over 11 years. I have 2 retired scale boats, BUT there Turbine style. He has No interest in them. What He'd like is something from the 60's or 70s, Surely some one has an old Beater out there, For a Good (cheap) price. This would give Him a boat to run till he can build a new Scale. Thanks For listening. Dave