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The winternats is a great race I had a lot of fun at the ski lake in 2011. The problem is nitro guys don't sign up early. Wayne farrow when he put the winternats at the ski lake had all entries for all classes with no cap. That gave the boaters the opportunity to enter as much boats in any class they offered. Most of the gas guys entered early just like they have done in 2011,2012,2013 and now 2014.

It's not the the race is geared more towards the gas side. They enter early and in big numbers so it looks like it's geared towards a gas race but it's the nitro guys that don't enter early that's my observation.

Have fun guys enjoy the race.

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If a class if full on race events Email Ross.

Like I stated after the 15 we will make adjustments as needed.

we can only run so many rounds as there is only 9 hours to run in a day max in Jan.

We want to end up on Sunday with plenty of time for every one to head out.

we will not be running 340 boats like last year.

We want a more relaxed race. With out rushing every one.

The flier said 300 boat max. But it may be less.

We will see on the 15 where we are with the heat counts.

If you seriously want to go to this race EMAIL ROSS to get on the list.

Please do not register if you are not going to make it.

Give those a chance that really want to come.

We will be setting a date that the funds must be received by and we all know some will change there minds or just not get the money sent in time.

Then there will be more openings.

So get your name on the list if you really want in.
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The winternats is a great race I had a lot of fun at the ski lake in 2011. The problem is nitro guys don't sign up early. Wayne farrow when he put the winternats at the ski lake had all entries for all classes with no cap. That gave the boaters the opportunity to enter as much boats in any class they offered. Most of the gas guys entered early just like they have done in 2011,2012,2013 and now 2014.

It's not the the race is geared more towards the gas side. They enter early and in big numbers so it looks like it's geared towards a gas race but it's the nitro guys that don't enter early that's my observation.

Have fun guys enjoy the race.

Thats almost correct? Fact is there are enough Dist 3 Boaters to Feel the Race Up Themselves. Several Classes already SOLD OUT and Very Few Out of Dist 3 area!!!
Remember also the Winter Nat's was a 4 day event in the past.
Three days is a good race as this makes it easer on the club and those attending the event.
5 days in a retrieve boat from sun up to sun down with just a pis break is no joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Andy has the proof of that. :lol:

It is funny last year 13 twins registered. :)

But come race day only 6 raced. :(

X hydro the same thing 14 registered and only 9 raced.

Check out the race result on race events and you will see how many no shows.
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There has bin some questions about staying over night at the sight.

If you have a self contained RV you can stay over night on sight.

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just from the looks of the last several national races throughout this year, 40,60, X/F, and twin nitro need at least 18 boats for each class...running 6 boat heats was what Ross and the club seem

to want which is fine considering the speeds...so hopefully this will happen...i know this will bring alot of out of town guys in....keep us posted David :)
just from the looks of the last several national races throughout this year, 40,60, X/F, and twin nitro need at least 18 boats for each class...running 6 boat heats was what Ross and the club seem

to want which is fine considering the speeds...so hopefully this will happen...i know this will bring alot of out of town guys in....keep us posted David :)
You got at least 3 out of towners in Nitro & most classes are full. Seems to be mostly GAS race? But If you plan to run 30 plus boats in Gas classes? We understand you Must steal the heats and the Time of daylight out of the Nitro classes?? Holding the nitro classes down to 2 heats per class.
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OK I just got off the phone with Ross.

B,C,X and twin nitro rigger will open up to 18 boats in about 30 min.

That is three 6 boat heats .

call your buddy's and let them know .
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Oh - myyyyy - B-Mono B)









May Be a class worth watching, just sayin ;)

I have waited for my Jerry spanking for a long time, I'm bringing a boat he made when he has 25 yrs old to wear him out with :lol: :lol:

And DAVE , Just go ahead and post it to lull Jerry in ^_^
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ross !!!! Im real sorry i entered many times on the rcracing website by accident. was waiting to be redirected after i summited but it never happened so i keep entering again. sorry !!! please fix this. Dan
Oh - myyyyy - B-Mono B)









May Be a class worth watching, just sayin ;)

I have waited for my Jerry spanking for a long time, I'm bringing a boat he made when he has 25 yrs old to wear him out with :lol: :lol:

And DAVE , Just go ahead and post it to lull Jerry in ^_^
Dude don't do it to your self. :huh:

It's kinda like drinking. :blink:

You will regret what you said in the morning. ;)
Well come on guys.

We are at 243 on the boat count.

It will be shut down at 300.

You wanted more spot you got it.

Get those boats registered be for it closes.
Well I am in and paid with three boats, B hydro, X hydro, and X twin hydro. I am sure that Doc will not be far behind with his fleet.