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Tulos boat was a good buy.

I thought it was a great buy as well. Looking forward to getting it tested and running prior to the Charleston race. I'm taking it to Atlanta this weekend but I'm not sure I will run it. I know it needs a new piston and sleeve but I thought I would get some more time on it anyway. Just want to get used to the way it drives and handles, and get used to the offshore bouys.

I'll see you in Charleston. I am glad you are back!!
Ohh my the Tennessee Flying J's will Be united again In battle.

Beep Beep !!!

Going to be a Roadrunner Twin Reunion 2011

I bought the F Mono from Kip. It looks a lot like the boat you ran in Atlanta. I want to run this boat in open offshore in Charleston. The turn fin he has on the boat now on the starboard side of the transom really doesn't look large enough to me for an F class boat. Do I need to add a turn fin on the port side of the transom as well to help with left hand turns? Is there any recommendations? Thanks.
Seaducer runs a small turn fin on the F mono.

Do you run one or two? The old way of thinking tells me I need one on the port side of the transom for the left hand turns in offshore. I know your Seaducer was awesome in the offshore class in Atlanta!! Thanks for the help. Everyone knows I'm a tunnel guy anyway!!!!

You will over think yourself in to a BAD Running Boat. Do not touch a thing!!!
Tulos boat was a good buy.

I thought it was a great buy as well. Looking forward to getting it tested and running prior to the Charleston race. I'm taking it to Atlanta this weekend but I'm not sure I will run it. I know it needs a new piston and sleeve but I thought I would get some more time on it anyway. Just want to get used to the way it drives and handles, and get used to the offshore bouys.

I'll see you in Charleston. I am glad you are back!!

Thanks. Look forward to seeing you there. Should be a great race. It's feels great to back and see awesome people are still in this hobby....... ;)
b-hydro spot taken thanks John thanks for helping me
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I have updated post #1 to include the classes that have a waiting list and how many that are on that list. If anyone needs to cancel any class or pull out from the race, please contact me immediately via e mail at [email protected] We have people begging for open slots to get into the race and are eager to fill any vacancy. Thanks for the help.

ALL race entry payments MUST be paid before 01 Sept or the slots that have been reserved will be cancelled. Well over 50% of the entries were made with the mail in payment option and those are the ones that I need to get in very soon.

If you have not sent in your payment for the race entries for the Fall Nationals, you need to do it and very soon. I have received no payments in the past 2 weeks. The deadline is going to be moved up sooner than the previous posted deadline date of 01 Sep. The new payment deadline is now 20 August. I have a long list of racers wanting to get into the race. I need to give those on the wait list time to make travel arrangements. If you have not paid by that deadline, I have no recourse but to cancel your entries and I will go to the wait list to fill in your prior spots. Please help me out and send in your payment this week.
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ok i understand that people want to get in the race and they are on the waiting list and want to make arrangements to come just in case.. But at the same time if the deadline was Sept 1st whats the hurry this never happened last year but obviously this year its completely different on top of the fact that they have limit the amount of boats and heats that also was not done last year and we had completed every heat and we let every boat that wanted to enter the race come and join the party.

in my opinion im not liking how this is coming together. its a great race and i have always supported the fall nats but i see things im not liking whatsoever. limiting boats, heats and now changing deadlines.

if people want to come OPEN all the classes like last year we never had a problem then and we should not have a problem now. thats my opinion and i speak for myself only..

Julian Conde
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ok i understand that people want to get in the race and they are on the waiting list and want to make arrangements to come just in case.. But at the same time if the deadline was Sept 1st whats the hurry this never happened last year but obviously this year its completely different on top of the fact that they have limit the amount of boats and heats that also was not done last year and we had completed every heat and we let every boat that wanted to enter the race come and join the party.

in my opinion im not liking how this is coming together. its a great race and i have always supported the fall nats but i see things im not liking whatsoever. limiting boats, heats and now changing deadlines.

if people want to come OPEN all the classes like last year we never had a problem then and we should not have a problem now. thats my opinion and i speak for myself only..

Julian Conde
Julian, until you host an event of this caliber, hell ANY decent race for that matter you have no grounds to tell anyone how to run a race. The paperwork, entries, heat building, CDing, it's all a royal pain in the ass. I did for many years and it was NEVER easy, even for simple one day "fun runs". How would you feel if you were waiting to get in and the spot you could have had never got offered to you because of someone not paying and not showing up and that spot is not filled at the event? Personally I think they're being way more than generous waiting until August 20th. If it were me I'd tell people $$ is due within 2 weeks of the entry being submitted. Also you are grossly misinformed as there have always been limits in place for that race. Sorry that you made yourself the target here but I get real tired of seeing people beat up on those who do use all the HUGE favor of hosting an event especially those who've never done it themselves. So if you're "not liking how this is coming together" then don't go, I'm sure your spot will get filled no problem.
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ok i understand that people want to get in the race and they are on the waiting list and want to make arrangements to come just in case.. But at the same time if the deadline was Sept 1st whats the hurry this never happened last year but obviously this year its completely different on top of the fact that they have limit the amount of boats and heats that also was not done last year and we had completed every heat and we let every boat that wanted to enter the race come and join the party.

in my opinion im not liking how this is coming together. its a great race and i have always supported the fall nats but i see things im not liking whatsoever. limiting boats, heats and now changing deadlines.

if people want to come OPEN all the classes like last year we never had a problem then and we should not have a problem now. thats my opinion and i speak for myself only..

Julian Conde
Julian, until you host an event of this caliber, hell ANY decent race for that matter you have no grounds to tell anyone how to run a race. The paperwork, entries, heat building, CDing, it's all a royal pain in the ass. I did for many years and it was NEVER easy, even for simple one day "fun runs". How would you feel if you were waiting to get in and the spot you could have had never got offered to you because of someone not paying and not showing up and that spot is not filled at the event? Personally I think they're being way more than generous waiting until August 20th. If it were me I'd tell people $$ is due within 2 weeks of the entry being submitted. Also you are grossly misinformed as there have always been limits in place for that race. Sorry that you made yourself the target here but I get real tired of seeing people beat up on those who do use all the HUGE favor of hosting an event especially those who've never done it themselves. So if you're "not liking how this is coming together" then don't go, I'm sure your spot will get filled no problem.

Thanks Don for the support and understanding. You are absolutely dead on.

Julian - The fact remains that the race sold out and closed 4 weeks ago today. And you have 3 more weeks to get the payment in. That is more than generous and most races do NOT give that kind of courtesy or time for entries & payment. We will NOT return to the process used last year. The heats and numbers of boats will be managed for the benefit of all racers that attend. There WERE boat limits for each class last year for your information. For next year I may be forced to grant entries only upon payment by Paypal - no mail in entries. I would rather not do that but that would stop the delays and holding up others that want to enter and are willing to pay immediately. There are a lot of people waiting to get in. I have worked a ton on this race already and that is just the start. Until you have sat in this seat and put on a race of this magnitude, you have no clue what it takes. Make a choice, send in payment or pull out. People are waiting to come are pinging on me hard.
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ok i understand that people want to get in the race and they are on the waiting list and want to make arrangements to come just in case.. But at the same time if the deadline was Sept 1st whats the hurry this never happened last year but obviously this year its completely different on top of the fact that they have limit the amount of boats and heats that also was not done last year and we had completed every heat and we let every boat that wanted to enter the race come and join the party.

in my opinion im not liking how this is coming together. its a great race and i have always supported the fall nats but i see things im not liking whatsoever. limiting boats, heats and now changing deadlines.

if people want to come OPEN all the classes like last year we never had a problem then and we should not have a problem now. thats my opinion and i speak for myself only..

Julian Conde
Julian, until you host an event of this caliber, hell ANY decent race for that matter you have no grounds to tell anyone how to run a race. The paperwork, entries, heat building, CDing, it's all a royal pain in the ass. I did for many years and it was NEVER easy, even for simple one day "fun runs". How would you feel if you were waiting to get in and the spot you could have had never got offered to you because of someone not paying and not showing up and that spot is not filled at the event? Personally I think they're being way more than generous waiting until August 20th. If it were me I'd tell people $$ is due within 2 weeks of the entry being submitted. Also you are grossly misinformed as there have always been limits in place for that race. Sorry that you made yourself the target here but I get real tired of seeing people beat up on those who do use all the HUGE favor of hosting an event especially those who've never done it themselves. So if you're "not liking how this is coming together" then don't go, I'm sure your spot will get filled no problem.

Thanks Don for the support and understanding. You are absolutely dead on.

Julian - The fact remains that the race sold out and closed 4 weeks ago today. And you have 3 more weeks to get the payment in. That is more than generous and most races do NOT give that kind of courtesy or time for entries & payment. We will NOT return to the process used last year. The heats and numbers of boats will be managed for the benefit of all racers that attend. There WERE boat limits for each class last year for your information. For next year I may be forced to grant entries only upon payment by Paypal - no mail in entries. I would rather not do that but that would stop the delays and holding up others that want to enter and are willing to pay immediately. There are a lot of people waiting to get in. I have worked a ton on this race already and that is just the start. Until you have sat in this seat and put on a race of this magnitude, you have no clue what it takes. Make a choice, send in payment or pull out. People are waiting to come are pinging on me hard.

Both you and Don have a point................But the use of the internat to do what normally takes weeks to do has changed that. You nor anyone could have for seen that. But becasue you are getting "pinged" means its ok to PINING the peeple that entered in good faith and need that dead line to get there arangements made. May be your club Presidnet needs to do a "press release" casue from were Iam sitting the " goal post" are ever moving. Oh yes my opinion.
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The problem you gonna run into is the time to make plans that's #1 yes there's been boat limits but the question is we did not follow them until this year. If I'm correct we had almost 400 boats and never had a issue with all the heats we had. So what benefit racers from capping the classes ?

The more boats the better competition.

You can say what you want Don but last year we did not have issues. I will always support this race and help out in anyway but if it was me I let anyone enter the race it's all about fun. I will show up and express my opinion like it or not.

From what I see there not alot of poeple on the waiting list according to the list. Unless it's outdated.
ok i understand that people want to get in the race and they are on the waiting list and want to make arrangements to come just in case.. But at the same time if the deadline was Sept 1st whats the hurry this never happened last year but obviously this year its completely different on top of the fact that they have limit the amount of boats and heats that also was not done last year and we had completed every heat and we let every boat that wanted to enter the race come and join the party.

in my opinion im not liking how this is coming together. its a great race and i have always supported the fall nats but i see things im not liking whatsoever. limiting boats, heats and now changing deadlines.

if people want to come OPEN all the classes like last year we never had a problem then and we should not have a problem now. thats my opinion and i speak for myself only..

Julian Conde
Julian, until you host an event of this caliber, hell ANY decent race for that matter you have no grounds to tell anyone how to run a race. The paperwork, entries, heat building, CDing, it's all a royal pain in the ass. I did for many years and it was NEVER easy, even for simple one day "fun runs". How would you feel if you were waiting to get in and the spot you could have had never got offered to you because of someone not paying and not showing up and that spot is not filled at the event? Personally I think they're being way more than generous waiting until August 20th. If it were me I'd tell people $$ is due within 2 weeks of the entry being submitted. Also you are grossly misinformed as there have always been limits in place for that race. Sorry that you made yourself the target here but I get real tired of seeing people beat up on those who do use all the HUGE favor of hosting an event especially those who've never done it themselves. So if you're "not liking how this is coming together" then don't go, I'm sure your spot will get filled no problem.

Thanks Don for the support and understanding. You are absolutely dead on.

Julian - The fact remains that the race sold out and closed 4 weeks ago today. And you have 3 more weeks to get the payment in. That is more than generous and most races do NOT give that kind of courtesy or time for entries & payment. We will NOT return to the process used last year. The heats and numbers of boats will be managed for the benefit of all racers that attend. There WERE boat limits for each class last year for your information. For next year I may be forced to grant entries only upon payment by Paypal - no mail in entries. I would rather not do that but that would stop the delays and holding up others that want to enter and are willing to pay immediately. There are a lot of people waiting to get in. I have worked a ton on this race already and that is just the start. Until you have sat in this seat and put on a race of this magnitude, you have no clue what it takes. Make a choice, send in payment or pull out. People are waiting to come are pinging on me hard.

Both you and Don have a point................But the use of the internet to do what normally takes weeks to do has changed that. You nor anyone could have for seen that. But because you are getting "pinged" means its ok to PING the people that entered in good faith and need that dead line to get there arrangements made. May be your club President needs to do a "press release" cause from were I am sitting the "goal post" are ever moving. Oh yes my opinion.
Actually Chuck my friend I disagree, while the internet made it easier on the racers, it has actually made it worse for those holding an event in that the "old school" pre-internet days you didn't even consider sending in an entry without fees. :blink:
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If you have not sent in your payment for the race entries for the Fall Nationals, you need to do it and very soon. I have received no payments in the past 2 weeks. The deadline is going to be moved up sooner than the previous posted deadline date of 01 Sep. The new payment deadline is now 20 August. I have a long list of racers wanting to get into the race. I need to give those on the wait list time to make travel arrangements. If you have not paid by that deadline, I have no recourse but to cancel your entries and I will go to the wait list to fill in your prior spots. Please help me out and send in your payment this week.
Glad to see the payment deadline shortened. We have always Entered & Paid Many weeks in advanced & Maybe some did not make the trip when race time came?? its the chance you take. My Check cleared the bank last year by late June bank statement. We did not race till Oct...... the Internet site does allow early entry, But it should Require payment at same time via pay pal. This would keep many from entering the Events Taking up the spots without Payment...
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ok i understand that people want to get in the race and they are on the waiting list and want to make arrangements to come just in case.. But at the same time if the deadline was Sept 1st whats the hurry this never happened last year but obviously this year its completely different on top of the fact that they have limit the amount of boats and heats that also was not done last year and we had completed every heat and we let every boat that wanted to enter the race come and join the party.

in my opinion im not liking how this is coming together. its a great race and i have always supported the fall nats but i see things im not liking whatsoever. limiting boats, heats and now changing deadlines.

if people want to come OPEN all the classes like last year we never had a problem then and we should not have a problem now. thats my opinion and i speak for myself only..

Julian Conde
Julian, until you host an event of this caliber, hell ANY decent race for that matter you have no grounds to tell anyone how to run a race. The paperwork, entries, heat building, CDing, it's all a royal pain in the ass. I did for many years and it was NEVER easy, even for simple one day "fun runs". How would you feel if you were waiting to get in and the spot you could have had never got offered to you because of someone not paying and not showing up and that spot is not filled at the event? Personally I think they're being way more than generous waiting until August 20th. If it were me I'd tell people $$ is due within 2 weeks of the entry being submitted. Also you are grossly misinformed as there have always been limits in place for that race. Sorry that you made yourself the target here but I get real tired of seeing people beat up on those who do use all the HUGE favor of hosting an event especially those who've never done it themselves. So if you're "not liking how this is coming together" then don't go, I'm sure your spot will get filled no problem.

Thanks Don for the support and understanding. You are absolutely dead on.

Julian - The fact remains that the race sold out and closed 4 weeks ago today. And you have 3 more weeks to get the payment in. That is more than generous and most races do NOT give that kind of courtesy or time for entries & payment. We will NOT return to the process used last year. The heats and numbers of boats will be managed for the benefit of all racers that attend. There WERE boat limits for each class last year for your information. For next year I may be forced to grant entries only upon payment by Paypal - no mail in entries. I would rather not do that but that would stop the delays and holding up others that want to enter and are willing to pay immediately. There are a lot of people waiting to get in. I have worked a ton on this race already and that is just the start. Until you have sat in this seat and put on a race of this magnitude, you have no clue what it takes. Make a choice, send in payment or pull out. People are waiting to come are pinging on me hard.

Both you and Don have a point................But the use of the internet to do what normally takes weeks to do has changed that. You nor anyone could have for seen that. But because you are getting "pinged" means its ok to PING the people that entered in good faith and need that dead line to get there arrangements made. May be your club President needs to do a "press release" cause from were I am sitting the "goal post" are ever moving. Oh yes my opinion.
Actually Chuck my friend I disagree, while the internet made it easier on the racers, it has actually made it worse for those holding an event in that the "old school" pre-internet days you didn't even consider sending in an entry without fees. :blink:
I think this is the way to go. no money, no entry.

Would stop all this foolishness.

Don to the point on both counts.

1. If you wanted race you had to be up or at home on Saturday to get your entry in. Not at work like I was and get a call at 4.30 pm telling you that the race is closed out!!!

2. Mail in entries while "old school" eliminated some of the situtation that we have now. Entry dead line moved, I had to enter "Before" I could put in for the time off. And Now I an Forced to send money and I do not have the OK from the JOB. Sept 1

worked ..................perfectly. I doubt that I an the ONLY person here with that situtation.

So yes Don. It is a plus and a minus

And David.............you are right also.

But Paypal has some new requirement for holding an account with them for 2012. I for one do not like giving paypal that much excess to my personal accounts. Again only speaking for me. But I will find a different way to do things.
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The problem you gonna run into is the time to make plans that's #1 yes there's been boat limits but the question is we did not follow them until this year. If I'm correct we had almost 400 boats and never had a issue with all the heats we had. So what benefit racers from capping the classes ?

The more boats the better competition.

You can say what you want Don but last year we did not have issues. I will always support this race and help out in anyway but if it was me I let anyone enter the race it's all about fun. I will show up and express my opinion like it or not.

From what I see there not alot of poeple on the waiting list according to the list. Unless it's outdated.
Again Julian, you need to get your facts straight. There has always been a boat count limits at this race including last year. And yes there were issues last year and there was also a waiting list. Again, until YOU are DIRECTLY INVOLVED with hosting a race don't bust on those who do. And BTW- I don't buy into "time to make plans" on such a high profile race, this is one not to be missed so if you want to attend have your act together and PLAN AHEAD FOR IT!! I had my time off scheduled for this race, the Nats and Hobart by the third week of January.
Don I'm not bashing on anyone I'm just saying my opinion and i think i can do that. I do appreaciate everything John and the SC club members have done for the Fall nats race. I know it's nOt easy to put on a race of this caliber. It's one of the best races I have been to thus far. I will always support the race regardless if I don't like a few things.
