2.4ghz education


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Dustin Barbaglia

Active Member
Oct 9, 2011
Hello all,

I was considering moving to the 2.4g radio systems, have a few questions and figured i'd just throw them out there. first off, can any 2.4 reciever would with any 2.4 transmitter, or are there issues with that. IE if i wanted to match a one brand to another brand ? what are the pros and cons to swtiching, i gather that it changes frenqs and locks you into one set up, anything else positive or negative about them ? i am sure not all brand are created equal, what are you'll thoughts as far as a brand to use ?

Thanks for the input
Dustin, as far as mixing receivers and radios from different companies, I'm unsure, but I would think you couldn't. The pros are that no one can interfere with your radio signal. Meaning, if someone turns there radio on and your in the same frequency (like 80-80) They can't control your boat. The only con I can think of is there somewhat expensive if you want the extra features like 3rd channel, etc. As far as brand use, We use Futaba and me and My brother have recently switched to the Fly- Sky 2.4 Ghz radios. It has all the features like 3rd channel and it cost about 40 dollars for the radio and one receiver, and the extra receivers cost around 10 dollars opposed to the 50 dollar Futaba receivers. Hope this can help

Brandon T.
I am using the 3PMX futaba check Tower hobbies they have them at a great price and this is a great radio has all you need for a boat on it. Robert

careful if your using futaba, not all 2.4 receivers work with 2.4 transmitters, some will not work with fasst tx's...apparently, there are two diff futaba 2.4 systems...

i almost bot the wrong type of 2.4 receiver last time i ordered, til i read that it wasn't compatible with fasst systems...zzz
Thankyou for all the great info, the flysky systems... how is the range and reliabilty, i recently purchased one of thier 2.4 3 channel receivers on ebay for .99 cents with free shipping, that is what begin my interest into the 2.4 systems was a bit concerned about quality, anyone else use them ? lennard... i have had that fasst and non fasst can cuase conflicts wasnt sure if that was true, thankyou for the clearification. will common fail safes work with the 2.4 systems ? i have in line fail safes for the throttle servo
Dustin, I used a Hitec Aggressor SRXPRO 3 channel. Great results in a 45 outrigger with no interference or glitches to date, Amazon has the best price. Anyone else tried this radio?
For the Fly- Sky system, i cant say i've tested the range driving from one side of a pond, to another, but it will get you around a course with no problem. There seems to be no lag in reception from the Radio- to- Receiver. I also can't say I know the reliability of the it as far as a radio that will last you forever, but its made very well and it's very easy to use. As for the Supposed interference with 2.4 FASST and non- 2.4 FASST systems, from what I've seen in my district, racers use both at the same time and there seems to be no interference. Futaba makes great radios, but Fly- Sky is not to shabby either and the cost makes it the most affordable radio with features out their. Heres the best and worst reviews I've seen on it:

Robert W.Balkins 5 stars

bought one to try it worked so well I bought Two more THE PRICE was RIGHT and IT works very well I will buy MORE OF THEM I use them on cars Trucks and Boats LOVE_IT THANK-YOU!!

David 2 stars

I bought this tx/rx for my 3 channel traxxas revo. I had a stock fm tx. When I instaled the new one I had problems with channel three so I stuck the stock tx back in. Then a week later I stuck it in my 4x4 slash, I thought that the added opption of ABS would help quicken up my lap times at my local track... It didnt the truck still slid under full brake, also I had the trim maxxed out to the right and it still didnt drive staright. (i never tested it in my revo because I never got it to shift.) fastforward a month and I bought a bind and drive losi night crawler. The transmiter wouldnt bind to the losi recever... no big deal i get the flysky recever out and plug it in. Once again right trim maxxed out and it sill will not go straight. Due to the low speed of the crawler its not a big deal but it still bugs the heck out of me!!!! Last but not least It didnt come with a book or cd with directions. So in addition to it not working right I was constanly fumbling with setting it up. and as a side note when you have abs on it also pulses reverse. Well i guess this was the last one they built friday and they just let it slide throught quality control. I have a fs gt2 and I love it its about twenty bucks... if you only need two channels i would get that one. Its not fancy but it works like a charm... my trim setings are on zero spot on controler!

The FS- GT2 does not have 3rd channel with it if you run it. The lowest rating I saw for it was four stars, so it may be better that the FS- GT3B but the FS- GT3B is also newer and like I've said, it has 3rd channel.

Hope it helps,

Brandon T.
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