A real reason to raise some HELL


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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2001
OK guys this just in…

I just opened the new issue of RC CAR (PAGE 8) and its time to pull together and raise some hell..

The editor of RC CAR magazine has taken it upon himself to show a complete lack of responsibility.

Attached to this post is a picture that says it all..

Please.. NAMBA…IMPBA and its members it your turn to do your part and call this idiot and let him know the negative implications this has.



Stephen Bess

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Here you go Mike... I agree... Apparently, these guys haven't ready EVERY set of NAMBA/IMPBA/APBA/Etc. rules out there that ALL say to NEVER swim after your boat!

They need a SLEW of LETTERS!!
They make light of it and fun of it in the mag.. I have been at this way to long to have a bunch of dumb asses like the ed of RC cars ruin it for everybody by people thinking its OK .. funny if you will SWIM FOR A BOAT..

Make the call...

I also e-mailed our entire club with the contact info for these clowns... Spread the word guys...
It terrifies me that a picture like that even exists. Now we have a major publication displaying the kind of stupidity none of us condone. That's just great.

Was this one of his people reviewing a boat swimming out to get it?
Thanks for the heads up, this is what I sent them....

Email to RC-Car magazine editor Steve Bess:

Greetings, just wanted to express my dislike about the picture you've published, on page 8, in your magazine (May volume 10 No.5). I don't believe it has helps portray a good or safe aspect of the sport. Nor do I don't believe that any of the sanctioning bodies will approve or condone any of its members, or spectators, swimming after their models. In fact, it is specifically prohibited by the International Model Power Boat Association (IMPBA), North American Model Boat Association (NAMBA) and the American Power Boat Association (APBA). Whether this picture was meant to be "funny" or humorous, I don't believe it has a spot in any RC publication. This is misleading and possibly dangerous to someone new to the sport (un-informed). Please be more thoughtful as a leader in the RC Modeling Industry. Thank You Chris


IMPBA member

FORD Model Boat Club member
Mike, post this over at RCU also if you would.

Yes, I'm pissed off also as they are trying to think that this is cute when it isn't. Do they realize that we lost 2 lives last year from irresponsible behavior?

When they go for a photo shoot, they should be equipped also just like the rest of us to retrieve a dead boat.

I've seen aricles in RCBM showing no sense either when operating boats, being unsefe just for the sake of a photo op.

It's not just limited to magazines as if anyone who's seen that TV show on DYI with Chris Chianelli. He was featuring a WHH Enforcer and waas giving instructions onshore about what and what not to do in the operation of an R/C boat. Not 3 minutes later they were doing just what he had just said not to do. Yeah, real smart fellas.

[update] E-mail sent.
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I wrote: trying not to completely rip his head off.

I can objectively see the humor in a guy having to take a swim to retrieve his boat(page 8), but from the standpoint of giving a general impression of what is a acceptable means to retrieve a boat I must say that we should really try and understand where this is not a good idea at all. the national organizations (IMPBA , NAMBA and APBA) that provide the boating enthusiast/organized racer a set of guidelines for not only racing but also safety, stress without prejudice how unsafe it is to swim out to retrieve a boat. The insurance that is provided through these organizations is absolutely essential and without it we would be without the most essential requirement for organized racing.


Kelly Miller

his response

Hi Gentlemen--

Thank you for your concern, and the gang up of emails. I’m flattered that so many of you IMPBA boat members actually read a title called ‘RC Car Magazine’ and that all of you happened to email me at the same time.

I will gladly print one of your emails in “Feedback” next month so that your concerns are voiced to our readers. As I’m sure you all know, we also have a sanctioning body (ROAR) for model car racing as well. While those rules are strictly followed during sanctioned races, when a racer/hobbyist is on his own time, what he does with his car is left to good discretion. We are not sanctioned by IMPBA or NAMBA, and we did what was necessary to retrieve the boat when it flipped as anyone would have done.

We did not race our Blackjack 55 boat, nor are we IMPBA or NAMBA members. On that particular day, we had fun with our boat at a private lake, and when it flipped less than 10 feet off shore and no one was there with a full size boat to help retrieve it. I’m sure this isn’t the ideal “sanctioning body” scenario and you’ll be quick to point out that no one should ever run a boat without the ideal support in place, but it’s what we had to work with on that day and the photo is simply funny. If none of you can see even the slightest bit of humor in the photo, that’s unfortunate.

Still, I understand the need for rules and a general sense of safety when dealing with RC boats, and I appreciate your concerns. As I mentioned above I will gladly print one of your numerous emails in Feedback in an upcoming issue to address the issue.



Stephen Bess

Executive Editor, RC Car Magazine

25233 Anza Dr.

Valencia, California 91355
Thanks for the heads up mike

I sent the letters made some calls, no one is willing to talk about it yet.

Lets make sure we let them know that this was a bad idea.

I gotta say I hear about way to much stuff like this going on. People think about it is your most expensive boat worth your life?

Brian Nelsen
Found one of the replys on another Forum- Guess he has gotten a few nasty ones too-

He got the point, hear is a reply to me:

Hi Randy, I’ve received a few email this morning and it’s obvious that something about our article was posted on a boat forum, and that several guys thought it’d be a good idea to send me multiple emails. I do get the point, and I plan to post several of your letters in our Feedback section in an upcoming issue to help put this to bed. At the same time, swimming 10 feet off-shore to retrieve our boat in 5ft of water was hardly what I’d consider dangerous but I see where you’re coming from and the impression you’re referring to. The photo is funny on one hand, and obviously in your opinion dangerous on the other. I can understand that.

Feel free to post my comment and let your message board members know that additional emails aren’t necessary, and that several of your members could learn from your tact and courtesy (I’ve received a few very rude emails).



Stephen Bess

Executive Editor, RC Car Magazine

25233 Anza Dr.

Valencia, California 91355

On 3/8/07 10:55 AM, "[email protected]" wrote:

I am sure you have had a lot of emails about the picture in your mag and how it is against the rules of IMPBA and NAMBA and that this was not a stanchion event and so on. I hope that the real point that there have been several life's lost doing just that, does not get missed. By printing a picture of someone swimming out to retrieve a RC Boat it puts it in to your readers head that this is the way to do it or you are endorsing it. You know "Monkey see, Monkey do" as the old saying goes. I hope you get the point without 10,000 words to explain it. It is just dangerous!

Randy Naylor


Devil Mountain Water Boilers

Concord Ca.

Would a picture of a car enthusiast ventuting into a busy highway

to retrieve his dead car/truck be humorous to this guy?????????????

Possibly the photo should have a caption like " professional swimmer on a private lake - don't try this at home"
I still don't think he gets the message. For some reason, his thinking the picture is funny is overruling the seriousness of the situation. I will probably also let him know my opinion on his obvious lack of common sense for printing that picture in the first place. I don't think a car mag should be doing and printing a boat article since they are there for cars and buggies, not boats.
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Maybe someone should send this guy the links to cases where people have died doing that exact thing. Also remind him that in most of those cases that the people in question were not members of the relevant association and in many cases were on "private ponds" Just like them. Then it might start to make more sense.

Also, Please give him the details of using a fishing line etc to retrieve boats "only 10 feet off-shore" as a far better alternative and ask him to post it in his magazine for his readers to learn from.
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I just sent an Email to Mr Bess, and brought up the R/C car on a hiway analogy from foolwitool's post. I'll see about posting the reply if/when I get one. For the record, I tried to be tactful :unsure: