Wooden Boat Paint


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Jan 30, 2006
Now that I have brought the crackerbox from the grave and it is all sealed up I am ready to paint it. What would be a good cheap paint that I could get locally that is nitro proof and will stand up well.


Now that I have brought the crackerbox from the grave and it is all sealed up I am ready to paint it. What would be a good cheap paint that I could get locally that is nitro proof and will stand up well.


Do you have a nitro or gas powered crackerbox. Are you looking for rattle can paint or you sray it paint from a sray gun. Most rattle can paints are not acceptable for either gas or nitro, however most of the

spray aircraft paints availalbe from Tower Hobbies are acceptable for gas but not fuel proof enough for nitro above 10%. For that you will need to use a 2 part epoxy or urethane type of automotive paint. The least expensive I have found is availalbe from most Car Quest Auto Parts paint stores. But the ultimate is PPG Concept paints and then cleared after all trim and decals are added.........
i use the ppg acrylic enamel paint ,you can get the guy to reduce it for you and then you have to put the hardner in the paint sprayer , spray several coat and letdry , it will have a gloss finish no need for clearcote i use 40% nitro with no problems.
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Missbudpilot55, the boat is a nitro powered boat. Rattle can would be nice but I also have an airbrush setup that works well enough for what I do.

Roxyflash, do you know if I can get Klass Kote through a dealer or do I order it directly from klass kote?

I know a local body man that may have some extra epoxy-style paint (not really concerned about the color, just want it to look better than it does and protect the wood from the fuel).
