what you guys doing next weekend?


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Sep 21, 2006
if the weather is good....we'll probably skoot up to Luray, VA (158 nautical miles)

We're cruisin around 150 knots lately so it's about an hour .............I understand there's a zoo there as well as the Luray Caverns.....any other cool stuff to see while we're up there? seriously....we want to know??

Pics upon request....Tom seems to have issues with picposts that are unrequested (toot-toot ya know)

any good places to stay, eat, etc??

KB, I have been to the Luray Caverns. It was OK. There is some great mtn biking arround there too. You got any cheep .21 motors that run that you wanna ditch?
Dude we gotta get togetha next time you're in VA

I'm bigtime into ORB (off road biking)....riding about 50/ week on good weeks ....mostly trail miles. Bro, if your'e ever in VA.. let me know....some of last Sundays' pics were from my sunafternoon death-march.......29 miles from my house down to the NC state line through sugar sand and rough trail. carried my bike about 4 miles+...I emptied a 4-litre camelback and I saw several coveys of quail, a buttload of wild ponys and about 7 wild pigs (bores), a couple of racoons (got pics), about a zillion hungry squitoes, 1 million hungry ass freggin biting deer flies(read=motivation) , maybe two other 2 organ donors, Oh... and one pissed off copperhead on the trail;)...posted pic already

There's also some good downhill at Massanuthin (masanuttin?)asesome downhill Snowshoe and decent downhill at wintergreen.

If you'e ever in the area, please let me know...I'l treat...KB

no motors left....I'm done with that scene bro
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:) Hey Kev! Least one of us is healthy! Im doin treestand watch this weekend, might get nitro stinky, A tree bit H1, dinged but not hurt...... ill call bro, business is good for me for some reason, bite the deerflies back.... and now back to your regularly scheduled boating forum..... Cmon kick us something to chew on! mike