VooDoo Model Boaters finally have a home.


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Feb 1, 2005

As president of the VooDoo Model Boaters I am proud to announce that the VooDoo Model Boaters have finally recieved permission to use a beautiful lake in LaPlace, LA about 25 minutes out of New Orleans. It took us a while, but it is finally done and we will begin construction on our driver stand very soon and we will be starting to get VooDoo lake ready for some fun runs. We also had a nice article wriiten about us in the River Parishes section of the Times Picayune, check it out: Times Picayune Article .

Our First sanctioned scheduled race is The Sport Hydro Shootout on Oct 26-28 There will be a very special traveling trophy awarded to the winner of the Sport Hydro Class along with some very nice trophys and prizes for the rest of the classes. We will offer all IMPBA classes Nitro, Gas and electric at our race. Our Club is a IMPBA and NAMBA approved club. The race in October will be a IMPBA santioned race. We also have scheduled a Fun Run on June 2nd and 3rd. If you get a chance come on out run your boats or just stop by and say hello to everyone.

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Congrats to Carlo & the rest of the VooDoo gang!! Nice article, great to see some positive press about model boat racing. Got a suggestion for you guys- find out what local charity is hot down there & do some 50/50 raffles with proceeds or parts of going to said charity. This is always a huge goodwill builder & gets the boaters in a positive light very quickly. I don't think that in this day & age we can have too much support. :)
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congradulations Carlo and the VooDoo Gang...keep us posted on your races...

I will definately keep everyone posted on our upcoming races and hopefully get you guys to come and race with us. The only race locked in stone will be the one in October hopefully some of you guys can make it. There are a lot of hotels and great food within a couple miles of the pond. We will even have the Scale class if enough of you guys sign up.
that funny, S G R A club is having a santioned race on june 2&3, then the hydro Invitational the first weekend of november. So how can the district five director let you santion a race one week before a race, that was taking place over 30 years ago.
carlo i will try to get some dist 3 guys to join your race,,,you have supported us here for a LONG time....keep us posted....
Isnt this the same group of guys that don't like nitro boats and always seem to get into fist fights at the local races? Also If I remember right they are switching to NAMBA since they don't like the way IMPBA is run. If they can't get thier way they bad mouth everyone else.

First off I usually do not reply to cowards who sign up for one post and do not even use their name. I will address your comments even as ignorant as they are.

As far as us not liking Nitro Boats that is the furthest thing from the truth my son runs a Stock Tunnel with a OS .21 when the class makes. If you read the post you will notice that we offer all classes offered by IMPBA. We never said that we did not want Nitro boats at our races. We hope to get plenty of them and maybe help get Nitro back kicking in our area. Not that it is any of your business, but I am a huge fan of twin riggers, their is nothing like the sound of a tuned up twin coming down the front straight.

As far as fighting at the local races, maybe you should actually show up at some and see what a good time that has been going on in District five and Houston for the last couple of years before you make such an idiotic comment. There have been numerous posts on other boards about the great times that have been had at all of the races in district five and Houston. There are arguments at every race in the country and if you think you will go to one were there will not be some sort of dispute you are surely mistaken.

The one thing you are correct about is that after this year the VooDoo club and most of the clubs in District five will be switching to NAMBA for one reason or another (Insurance, Rules, etc.). This was not a decision that was made by the VooDoo club, this was a mutual decision made by the clubs in the district that are actually active and care what there members want. District five feels to help grow our sport that the switch to NAMBA is a healthy choice for the future of our district. Some of the clubs in our district will be IMPBA and NAMBA approved clubs.

Please let us know what club it is that you are affiliated with so we will have an understanding of where you are coming from.
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Obviously you haven't been to any of the races I've been to lately. Houston, BR, Durant, have all been great races. No, fights, arguements, or anything like that and I haven't seen a race yet that said nitro boats were not welcomed. If you are going to make posts like that, you should at least have the guts to use your name.
Pec, if you'll go back in this thread, it's pretty easy to see that you are the one that started it so maybe you should look at the mirror for the bully part. And for what, you must be trying to make some kind of point although from everything you've said so far it's not possible to tell what it is. I don't do fighting anymore, too old for that, but I will defend good people. If it's useless chat you're interested in there is always email for that.

I was of the opinion that to post on JRCBD that you HAD to fill out the Bio to become a member!!!

How can you let someone like PEC start a post with mal-intent and without any ID? This is a recipe for disaster!!

He can make untrue statements and vial remarks but not stand up to face the very ones he's attacking. This man needs professional help,and needs to be kicked off JRCBD.

By the way: our club is and has been a regisared IMPBA & NAMBA club for sometime now. WE do race under IMPBA rules and plan to continue this in the future. There has been a link on our Web page to both organizations for three years!

Our last race[last week] offered classes for gas,nitro,and fast electric,with classes being filled in all three.

My personal OPINION is that Nitro is slowly dying and is being replaced by Gas and Electric.Its hard to fill up a 90 plus boat race with nitro boats. Look at what happened to Slidell last fall and the spring race this year cancelled because of a lack of entries. Another race that is scheduled for mostly nitro in a week or two is on the verge of cancellation because of low entry.

I personally love to see a nitro run. I just can't make one run myself!!! We invite and always have invited Nitro boats to our races. We would love to have more show up but we can only invite you: we can't make you come!!

I dare ANYONE to say we don't like nitro boats or people that run them.Anyone that has run nitro at our pond will tell you that the treatment is the same,wether you are running gas,nitro or electric.

Think of this PEC-- We get the same amount of entry fee's for nitro,so why would we not want them?

Nitro guy's: PLEASE BURY YOUR AXE,and run your boats and not your mouth.

Steve Leslie

[not hiding behind a fake name]
PEC with an IP address of has been banned. Email address of [email protected]

This type of behavior is not acceptable.

Best wishes to you guys and your new pond!

i did clean this thread some......
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Good Morning to All,

Wow! Some things never change. I actually stopped going to JRCBD because of issues such as this. I think it is perfectly clear what the Voodoo club is trying to do. Just check the way they are scheduling races. We rescheduled our March race back in the early part of March to the first weekend in June. Now all of a sudden, the Vodoo club is hosting a race that same weekend. Traditionally, we have had the Hydro Invitational the same weekend each year for thirty plus years. What did the Voodoo club do, scheduled a race the week before. These are the very people who chastized the IMPBA president and district director last year on JRCBD for allowing events to be scheduled back to back. We had representatives from the SGRA attend a meeting last year to iron out what we thought was a plan to avoid these situations, apparently it did not work. Everyone at that time presented their race dates and there were no conflicts. But now this has evolved. I hope my thought proccess in regards to this matter is incorrect but with what I am seeing I can't help believe it is an accurate assessment.

I wish the Voodoo club all the success in the world. I am presenlty building two gas boats, a Sport Hydro and a Mono with aspirations of participating and hopefully joining the Voodoo organization. I truly would like to see unity among the boaters in the region. My son Chris runs all of our nitro hydros and that is where he will probably stay but has also expessed interest in racing with the other local clubs if classes begin to make. We have in the past raced in Baton Rouge and New Iberia and have the hardware to back up the statement,but the nitro classes stopped making in these areas. I don't blame the clubs for this. If the nitro guys don't want to partake it is not the host clubs fault. We have had to travel out of state for the last couple of years to participate in the hobby and have had a great time doing so, and will continue. We have met and made some great friends traveling to races.

Pec, I don't know who you are or where you are from, but please do not associate yourself with the SGRA. Conduct such as this is unbecoming and as President of the SGRA I do not wish the boating community to think that anyone within our organization would act in this manner. We have in the past at SGRA meetings,discussed our intentions to try to cultivate good relations between the clubs in our Distict and beyond. I think this can be handeled in a much more diplomatic way. Besides, this problem is pale in comparison to what is taking place in our world today.

I apologize for possibly being redundant, but I truly wish the Voodoo and their members all the success in the world. I know most of the guys in the club. Hell, years ago when we were first in the hobby,Carlo got our gas cat going faster with a Zenoah engine than we had it running with a 35cc QD. How can you not want to be part of that group! We all used to run together and have tons of fun years ago in Covington, I would like to see it that way again.

Also at this point, I would like to offer the Voodoo club a pick up boat and outboard motor. It is my own personnal equipment and would be glad to lend it to them if needed. Hopefully we can work toward unity and understanding with a mutual respect towards the respective clubs. Thanks to all for your patience and understanding. Let's try to use this forum in a matter more conducive to building our hobby stronger, not dividing it. Hopefully this is a start.

Best Regards,

Virgil Ericksen

Congrats on the new club! It's always a good thing to see people working hard to push the hobby forward and make it grow, even if it can't always please everyone. I look forward to having the priviledge of attending one of your races in the future! :) ***want some more of them shrimps!!!! Delicious! :D
Good Morning to All,
Wow! Some things never change. I actually stopped going to JRCBD because of issues such as this. I think it is perfectly clear what the Voodoo club is trying to do. Just check the way they are scheduling races. We rescheduled our March race back in the early part of March to the first weekend in June. Now all of a sudden, the Vodoo club is hosting a race that same weekend. Traditionally, we have had the Hydro Invitational the same weekend each year for thirty plus years. What did the Voodoo club do, scheduled a race the week before. These are the very people who chastized the IMPBA president and district director last year on JRCBD for allowing events to be scheduled back to back. We had representatives from the SGRA attend a meeting last year to iron out what we thought was a plan to avoid these situations, apparently it did not work. Everyone at that time presented their race dates and there were no conflicts. But now this has evolved. I hope my thought proccess in regards to this matter is incorrect but with what I am seeing I can't help believe it is an accurate assessment.

I wish the Voodoo club all the success in the world. I am presenlty building two gas boats, a Sport Hydro and a Mono with aspirations of participating and hopefully joining the Voodoo organization. I truly would like to see unity among the boaters in the region. My son Chris runs all of our nitro hydros and that is where he will probably stay but has also expessed interest in racing with the other local clubs if classes begin to make. We have in the past raced in Baton Rouge and New Iberia and have the hardware to back up the statement,but the nitro classes stopped making in these areas. I don't blame the clubs for this. If the nitro guys don't want to partake it is not the host clubs fault. We have had to travel out of state for the last couple of years to participate in the hobby and have had a great time doing so, and will continue. We have met and made some great friends traveling to races.

Pec, I don't know who you are or where you are from, but please do not associate yourself with the SGRA. Conduct such as this is unbecoming and as President of the SGRA I do not wish the boating community to think that anyone within our organization would act in this manner. We have in the past at SGRA meetings,discussed our intentions to try to cultivate good relations between the clubs in our Distict and beyond. I think this can be handeled in a much more diplomatic way. Besides, this problem is pale in comparison to what is taking place in our world today.

I apologize for possibly being redundant, but I truly wish the Voodoo and their members all the success in the world. I know most of the guys in the club. Hell, years ago when we were first in the hobby,Carlo got our gas cat going faster with a Zenoah engine than we had it running with a 35cc QD. How can you not want to be part of that group! We all used to run together and have tons of fun years ago in Covington, I would like to see it that way again.

Also at this point, I would like to offer the Voodoo club a pick up boat and outboard motor. It is my own personnal equipment and would be glad to lend it to them if needed. Hopefully we can work toward unity and understanding with a mutual respect towards the respective clubs. Thanks to all for your patience and understanding. Let's try to use this forum in a matter more conducive to building our hobby stronger, not dividing it. Hopefully this is a start.

Best Regards,

Virgil Ericksen

Wow, I only made this post to let everyone know about our new pond and some race dates. If I had had any idea it would have turned into what it has I would have never posted. As you can see we are very excited about our new club and Lake site. I will address the points that you have brought up then I am done with all of this soap opera drama.

I was at the Baton Rouge race when everything was being scheduled. I want to be perfectly clear when I tell you we never requested any particular race date and took what was given to us. The only thing we asked for was that it be later in the year so we would have time to prepare our site. If there were a problem I would have thought that your representative should have taken care of it then. Steve Leslie from the Mississippi club still has the original calendar that everything was marked down on and as far as I know it has been on the schedule since the beginning of the year. As for our Fun Run it is not a sanctioned race it is only a Fun Run. We have been checking the district five schedule that is posted on the Mississippi clubs website Race Dates and there was nothing on the calendar for June except the Baton Rouge race. I spoke with Jeff Neil from the Baton Rouge Club and asked if it was ok to put our fun run at the beginning of the month and he said no problem that he and his guys would be there.

There are no hidden agendas with our club we are only looking to have good times and enjoy model boating. As far as I know we do not share any of the same boaters. I do not think that there is much of a problem with the dates, as we do not really share any of the boaters in our area. Most of the VooDoo Boaters attend most of the district five and Houston races and the ongoing consensus is that the rest of the clubs choose not to race with the SGRA for one reason or another. This is something you need to take up with the surrounding clubs not our club. We support our district maybe you should learn to do that also.

Next time please check all of the facts before you make a statement like the one you made. "I think it is perfectly clear what the Voodoo club is trying to do." I appreciate your offer to come and help the VooDoo guys, but I can honestly tell you that we do not need any help from you. We are doing a great job so far and have a great group of guys with a great chemistry and do not wish to have the baggage and drama that follows you. I am sorry that I have to make such a harsh statement, but I do not want the drama of the SGRA causing any cancer in our club.

Now I ask that you please respect our post and let this end now. If you need to discuss anything you have my e-mail address as this is not the place for a soap opera.
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I was at the Baton Rouge meeting were we meet and set up the race dates for everyones clubs, I was representing the SGRA we all were OK with our race dates but Carlo your date was not set in stone since you did not know if the race site was going to be ready or not. So I figured you and Kelly would talk it out and figure out the best date so everyone would have a free weekend between each race. I myself will not be attending many races this year since I have another young one on the way at the end of June which will make it harder to have some free time to race.

