Sponson upgrades


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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
Howdy from Texas...I've been asking these questions on several boards, trying to get some input as to what direction to go.

I'm finishing up a small outrigger (24"), and was wondering what would happen if I put a strake down the center of each sponson to break up surface tension.

What about two strakes, one on each edge of the sponson to create a small tunnel?

I've gotten some ideas and opinions, but few people seem to have any experience with this (possibly because it's a lame idea?)

If you frequent the other boards, and are tired of seeing this question, I apologize--I'm just trying to get some input before I start mixing epoxy.

Thanks in advance.
Hi Propjockey,

Here's some advice from a guy who's been r/c model boating for 37 years. It's the same as a familiar ad often seen on t.v. - "Just Do It!"

It has been my experience there are only three possible outcomes of trying something on a model boat:

1. It improves the performance ;D.

2. It hurts the performance. :(

3. It doesn't seem to do anything one way or the other :'(.

The nice thing is, on one get's hurt testing the changes :D .

Here's what I do when I'm experimenting with adding things to sponson bottoms. I use balsa wood to make the part. I seal the balsa with thin CA, sand it lightly, and spray on a clear coat.

I use thin CA to attach the part to the bottom of the sponson - it's much easier to sand the CA if the piece is removed.

Jerry Dunlap

I use to have a set of sponsons laying around to a Crapshooter that has just this idea. I never ran the boat but there must be a reasion they are not put on the boat anymore.

This is not a bad thing however. Boat design has come a long way over the last years and it might be time for another go at this.. It looks like you have to do it now!

Keep us updated..

Jerry you are a free spirt arnt you.. I know anoter guy that likes to chop and try things.. Right Big Bryon..He knows who im talking about..

Thanks ya'll.

I'm gonna give Jerry's idea a shot. Someone on another board suggested "ride pads" ??? What's that?

I'm not trying to beat a dead horse--some people say 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I say EVERYTHING'S broke to some degree!

Thanks again.

We run a strip of about 3/4in wide right on the indside of the sponsons, it works, we tryed sponsons with out this and it lost lots of speed.

i tried a 1/16" X .75 wide peice on a .21 rigger once.... I had it on the inside edge (not center) I did not notice any bad habbits
The SG eagle has them on the front and back, it's a pretty fast boat.

3M makes a black outdoor carpet tape that works good for testing things like this. Lets you test several ideas right at the pond. It's about 1/16" thick, add a thin piece of lexan or ply should be about right, be careful pulling it off.
