sponson question


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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
Well I have just about finished my ff 12 rigger, but due to having an extra 18 laying around I have decided to put my cvrm into it. Well here is my questions, can the ff12 handle an 18? Does it matter if i permanently install my rear sponsons? now this is just a fun boat so I understand that i would lose some set up control by securing them. If I do permanently attach them any thoughts on depth in water for a good all around set up?


the rear sponsons are permanantly attached on my FF gas rigger (i believe they were set to the height and AOA per the plans) and while of course i havent been able to adjust them...ive made due and have got the boat running pretty decent.

I do wish they were adjustable though.
go to toms web site and look at the .12 build instuctions, i know you did not get real ones with your kit. it will give you an idea of where you should be if you want to mount them permanently.

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why would you want to attach them permanently? you may come across a new prop that has more speed.... but the rears need to be adjusted to have it work correctly....
As you can see I don't know much about riggers! :D Thanks for your input. Guess it would be best to not attach them!
why would you want to attach them permanently? you may come across a new prop that has more speed.... but the rears need to be adjusted to have it work correctly....
Tom, how do the riggers with the sponsons under the hull work? Like the SGX, They are on the bottom and I do not know for sure. But I think they are attached permanently. I have never adjusted my rear sponsons on my little .12 Bantam to make a prop work. I have only made adjustments to my strut hight.

why would you want to attach them permanently? you may come across a new prop that has more speed.... but the rears need to be adjusted to have it work correctly....
Tom, how do the riggers with the sponsons under the hull work? Like the SGX, They are on the bottom and I do not know for sure. But I think they are attached permanently. I have never adjusted my rear sponsons on my little .12 Bantam to make a prop work. I have only made adjustments to my strut hight.

the way I see it, sponsons under the tub will have less aero effect. They can work great but are not adjustable. If you have everything figured out already then its great. But with them on the side they can easily be adjusted. I had a 16 series prop that wanted to lift more so I needed to raise the strut to keep the boat at a normal running attitiude. Then that put the rears too shallow and I was able to adjust them. Make sense?
the way I see it, sponsons under the tub will have less aero effect. They can work great but are not adjustable. If you have everything figured out already then its great. But with them on the side they can easily be adjusted. I had a 16 series prop that wanted to lift more so I needed to raise the strut to keep the boat at a normal running attitiude. Then that put the rears too shallow and I was able to adjust them. Make sense?
I see alot of guys in florida that tape them on with double sided tape they do it on 20 to twin hulls.I would try that then you can always change if need be.
Another vote for double sided tape. I just taped on the rears on my 45 Firefighter.

Use the 3M automotive tape - tough as nails.