Servo twitching


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Kris Flynn

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2002
OK, i bought two Hitec 645 servo's..they worked when i got them.

I sprayed 2 coats of silcon spray (electronics grade) on the electronics inside the servo (some was also put on the end of the motor that sticksout the bottom)...they worked since this was applied.

But today when i went to set up my steering one of them doesnt want to work properly, it twitches MAJORLY at each end of the 'stroke' and gets stuck there

Has anyone had this experience before with brand new servos?

Also where do i stand with warranty considering i srayed the silcon spray on it? The thing that gets me, if it was the spray, then both servos would be shot, and my Rx's!

Instead of spraying the inside of the servos why don't you cover the outside with plasti-dip,(the stuff you can dip screwdriver handles into) or buy waterproof servos.


You can send the servo back to Hitec, with a note saying, please repair and what is the servo doing. It takes about two wks for a turn around. Charge? Send it and see what happens. I return bad servos, they will either repair them or send you a new replacement.

Sound like you got some metal rubbing with another metal.

As suggested, dip the servo, also you can place an O ring under the servo arm, will help with the waterproofing.



For the most part they will honor a warranty. Send it back through the hobby shop that you bought it from. But, as you seemed prepared to realize the spray may make the warranty nill and void. Perhaps you should recharge your batteries for the TX/RX and see what happens then. Also, sometimes the crystals can go bad. Have you tried trying the servos w/another radio system?
I always send them direct to Hitec. One time I sprayed the inside of a receiver w corrosion X after it got wet, needless to say did not work. Hitec replaced it N/C. Blew me away! I have change to usiong all Hitec, recivers and servos over 5 yrs ago. Never had a problem with them! they definately stand behind their products.

hmmm, this sucks...both of them are doing this, but one is worse than the other!!!

it also humms loudly when a little force is applied to it while it is switched on.

I will see what i can do...this REWALLY screws me though, as i needed/wanted to haev a run of my Villain before i head up to the ACT :(


I was once told not to use corrosion X or whatever on servos as it can cause the commutators of the moitors to perfom badly. But your problem doesn't sound like that. :(

I think JK is close...some type of RFI in there. Have you tried the servos with another TX/RX set?
Receiver problem , overcharged battery , transmitter way to close or not on .

Test the servo's with another receiver.


ran a hitec 645 with 4 AA's and never had any problems till the gears with the other guys about the battery being the problem.

My Hitec servos always hum with a fresh charge on a 5 cell pack. They don't stop humming until the surface charge wears off after a couple minutes when the voltage drops down around 6.5v or below.
I noticed what you said Rod :) i just forgot to respond :blink:

I did try it with two different Rx's but used the same crystals...

I was assured by GTR that the sound was normal also :)

On the weekend i will be able to test out a few different setups that were mentioned...i really hope they work correctly in the end :unsure:

Thanks for all the helpfull tips so far...

hey Rod,

To change my Avtar:

I clicked on "my controls" at the top right then "edit Avtar settings" on the left side. It let me browse to a picture on my computer that was reduced to under 104 pixels.

hope this helps,

[SIZE=14pt]Sweet, I did it. You guys like the picture of me and my wife?....Just kiddin' that's Scully and Mulder from the X-files![/SIZE]

:lol: :lol:

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I checked the servo with a diffrent radio (Futaba Mag Jr 29mhz) and it didn't make a difference :( it seems to lock at the end of the travel or something then go spastic (twitch back and forth rapidly)

So now, Aussies, where should i send it? to the Aussie importer, place of purchase or Hitec?


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