Prop for a 12 mono?


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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2001
Well guys.

We went out testing the new Wild Thing 12. It did quite well but all the props i had were to big. Now the problem as i see it is that the props that i have are the props that you have..

We had best luck with X-437/3.. however this was after reflexing the blades a touch.

If anybody has any time on a 12 mono let me know what blade dia and pitch worked for you.


Just to let you know the boat was a dream to drive. It was a bit slow but did everything right and nothing wrong. We got it on flat water and on choppy water and both again very good.
I turned a X437/3 on mine with no problems. That TT isn't a powerhouse. I've got my Mac pipe set at 6-1/2" straight back and across on my Trinity/Picco/NR. Your's looked pretty close. I can now hear it come up on the pipe.
try a 437/3 and 438/2. You will definitely get it to run provided you have the right strut and pipe settings.
with that TT engine..... id say 1/8th shaft and a X435 : :) with an OS or Nova Rossi.... that's a different story.... just guessing
ive got a nice p215 if you wanna try it, just send me an email with your address.....oh wait, you probably already have like a bunch of those. :p :)

.12 Wild Thing? cool! is it a kit, plans like the .21, or 'glass hull? you are talking about the John Finch-designed one right?


The boat is close but still a little off. I have a feeling that the because i know guys that use the X-437/3 on there 21s that its to much for this boat. I have a 3/16 shaft set up in the boat now so i will keep working with that.

Hum..i will have to cut down a 38 to 35 and try it.


The 215 is a good idea. I did not have one in my box this weekend bit it just might work. There great props for slippage so it just might work.

I will try and get some vid of the boat running.

Sounds like a interesting project. Is this hull a reduced version of the John Finch version in the OCT2000 RCBM mag What is the hull length and beam and thickness of plywood used? Im interested in putting one together for the cottage. Regards Andris Golts.