Pro Boat Miss Bud?


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Ron Olson

Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2001
Anybody get their hands on one of these boats yet? Our local Hobby Shops can't keep them in stock! eBay is getting unreal bids on them. How is this boat? A local guy called me and is getting one by the weekend and wants me to go help him with it. Any hot tips?

I was waiting for someone else to ask. What is this boat? Do you have any info or pictures of it.

Ok, I found it what a great deal. Nice looking Bud hydro Composite fiberglass hull, .15 motor with pipe, JR radio Ready to run. $299.

There is a review from the latest issue of RCMB in on the main page. Go into the Bulletin Board area at the top of the main page to see what else is being said about it from owners. I will find out more tomorrow afternoon after we take one out. They go for $299 but try to find one now except on eBay where I've seen prices near retail plus shipping.
He He, let me see here:

Shave the fins and turbine tail, Speedmaster rudder, Octura 1938, a Hot .12 from my rigger, RRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!

Gene ;D
We got in the water tonight! Not a bad little boat for the price. The guy was running it rich with some 15% until I filled it up with some 50% out of my can then it really woke up! It does need a fast 'rigger style launch to get it going then has to keep the speed up otherwise you'll have fun trying to get it back up on plane again. Maybe a larger prop might help. It could use the turn fin and rudder sharpened and a small hole drilled in the back to drain water out. It ran at a quiet 78 dB using IMPBA settings on my meter. The pipe looked a little restricted to me, I'd like to try my Mac pipe on it sometime. The allen screw holding the shaft on looks like a pain to get at for lubing the shaft so get a long ball driver for access. I'm trying ot talk him into getting it out again this weekend and really leaning it out then I'll have to race him with my .12 mono.
A friend of mine also bought one of these and your right Ron, you gotta chuck it out there and not slow down. His WILL NOT come back on plane if you get out of it. He is also trying to find a water cooled head for a sooped up OS15CV that he took out of an RC10GT and a small adjustable strut to try. We tried a x437 and it had a little more speed, but still wouldnt come out of the hole by itself.
Gesse, my son was saying the same thing last night. I'd like to take my Trinity/Picco and drop in there. You woud have to open up the air scoop (the present scoop is clear plastic with 3 holes in it) to get more air into the heat sink.

I had the opportunity to do the development on the "Baby Bud"(I know, 'What's a tunnel guy doing with a three point??!!) and it was an interesting project. I immediately knew Horizon had a "hot item" on it's hands. I should have negotiated a royalty payment rather than a flat fee.

I'm surprised to hear the boat needs a toss to get it up on step. The prototype would pop up easily. I have not seen the production version of the boat. As a possible method of improving getting on step, increasing the angle of attack on the sponsons by attaching a tapered piece of wood to the bottom of the sponsons might be tried. Rather than glue the tapered pieces to the sponson bottoms, using thin double back tape would allow them to be removed. Several different tapered strips could be tested using this method. If it does help, then the strips could be attached with glue.

My contact at Horizon informs me it is possible to purchase just the hull. The only problem(and this is a nice problem to have) is they cannot keep the boat in stock.

Jerry Dunlap
hey Jerry! maybe i read your post wrong, but increasing the angle of attack would solve or help reduce the launch cavitation? it seems to me that either the prop rides too high or is mounted in a place where disturbed water hits it at low speed. i may be wrong (and have been before) and i appreciate your input and any other suggestions.

It has been my experience with other hydro planes experiencing problems getting on step that increasing the angle of attack on the sponsons often corrects the situation.

Prop depth is another important issue. Since the prop depth on the Baby Bud cannot be changed without installing a different drive system, trying some sponson wedges to increase the angle of attack seemed like something to try.
