Paid for Parts at (Zack) and nothing?


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Mark Linden

Active Member
Jun 5, 2009
I paid for an order from and have not received anything. No answer from my email, my phone call, or voice mails on any number on their website. They sure accepted my funds through paypal though. Just wanted to see if anyone has had the same experience?
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Which Zach is this i am sure it isnt Camaro he is up front and honest if it is the other which i think it is good luck.
Which Zach is this i am sure it isnt Camaro he is up front and honest if it is the other which i think it is good luck.

I am not sure but I have ordered from them in the past and he was fast. This is stupid and I am pissed that someone would leave a sight up and a paypal account open to accept funds. Screw it, I am filing a disspute and getting my **** money back. I will never do business with him again.
ya robert,, i believe we are thinkin of the same person... zach had issues on here a while back if i remeber correct..... and just for the record,,,,,"my name isnt zach,, and i dont have a website or a bussiness" not sure how you switched me up with that name...

as far as your situation,,, i would do the same a.s.a.p,, file a claim... i hope it all works out for you boss cause i know it leaves a bad taste in your mouth,,,been there....hang out here you will find some good people.... and by the way,,, welcome to the site...

Alden cost
Sorry Alden brain fart the one i believe he is looking for is in northern Florida contact Florida and do everything you can right away.
no biggie robert,,, it happens to the best of us yep, thats him,,, i remember him saying he was in the fla. area..

i had issues also,,, but all was made right,,, it took a while but it all turned out back in my favor,,, i hope it does with you also..

well if it is zach as in zhchobbies or what ever his name was on here, i don't think that is him. but i could be wrong lol
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That's it Zach Price. Either way I just want my money back. I would thnk if you plan on not fulfilling orders, you would put something on your web site and shut down the paypal account.
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i know his father has been very ill and taking alot of his time. plus he is trying to get a hobbyshop up and running. i know it is no excuse but not sure of whats going on. just thought i might give some insight.

I've ordered parts from Zac Price a few times and it was back when he was just finishing the building plus getting a house built. Most of the phone calls were going to his parents house as they didn't have the phone line run to the building at that time. Shipping seems to be really slow coming out of the boondocks of Ozark.

I'd like to know if there's another problam also as I was about to place another order with him. There's a few things that he carries that aren't on his site that are hard to find elsewhere.
Boy he sure gets around North Florida to the Ozarks to Oaklahoma wonering what he is running from
Boy he sure gets around North Florida to the Ozarks to Oaklahoma wonering what he is running from
He's not running from anyone. Somebody got him confused with someone else. Zac moved to Arkansas from Indiana as he has some big property there. His plan is to have his home, hobby shop and a huge RC boat pond in the backyard, kind of a dream for a lot of us.
I paid for an order from and have not received anything. No answer from my email, my phone call, or voice mails on any number on their website. They sure accepted my funds through paypal though. Just wanted to see if anyone has had the same experience? I am filing a dispute today with both Visa and Paypal. I am also considering other recourse.
I think its a terrible practice either way, and its really no excuss to leave people hanging and not respond to email....I carry a iphone with me and Im able to answer emails anywhere, anytime. theres internet cafes all over the U.S. including alot of malls nowadays that costs no more than a few bucks an hour. It doesnt take no more than a few minutes of a guys time to check emails and reply. So there shouldnt ever, be a reason NOT to check ones email, especially if one is running a bussiness....

This reminds me of years ago I attepted to order a scale hull from D. caspiri,(thunderboat reproductions) paid in full. never got it. I paid 1500 for a years worth of excuses. So i took a major hit. Then a few years ago i discovered this forum and brought it up, and with the members help here was able to get in touch with him again. And again i was fed with another year of excuses. So my advice is to do whatever it takes to get your money back, and never do bussiness with these losers ever....there is NO excuse to run a "bussiness" like that....
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I got a respone. No , he has always been good about letting me know when my part were going out and it was usually fast. If he is having some things going on, I certainly understand and I don't place blame. I know there are a lot of bad guys sprinkled into this hobby with bad business practices, but he is not one of them. I was just kind of pissed thinking that he may have gone out of business but left the site up. That is not the case and I will continue to order from him. He has good products and I like his IV bag set ups. Thanks for the replies and the feedback.
I got a respone. No , he has always been good about letting me know when my part were going out and it was usually fast. If he is having some things going on, I certainly understand and I don't place blame. I know there are a lot of bad guys sprinkled into this hobby with bad business practices, but he is not one of them. I was just kind of pissed thinking that he may have gone out of business but left the site up. That is not the case and I will continue to order from him. He has good products and I like his IV bag set ups. Thanks for the replies and the feedback.
I'm glad that everything is ok.