OT - some sad news


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Don Ferrette

Staff member
Supporting Member
Nov 25, 2003
To all my friends here it is with a heavy heart that I let you all know my dad passed away last night from his battle with cancer. Things will be somewhat hectic for the remainder of this week so for those who I might be getting something from or those who are waiting on stuff from me I ask please be a little patient until I get caught up. Same goes for if I'm slow responding to a p/m or e-mail, I'll get to you just maybe not as quickly as before until this all settles. I'm waiting to hear back today on final arrangements but this will be a tough week for sure. My dad was my hero and mentor growing up and this will be a difficult time for me, I appreciate in advance all those in understanding the situation.
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I am sorry to hear about your dad. Let me know there is anything I can do for you.

I am really sorry to hear that about your dad.....it is tough loosing your hero......I lost mine 33 years ago from cancer also, and I still miss him.

It's tough knowing that THAT day is coming, but it's tougher when it finally does come. Your boating friends are here for you, Don. Especially the local gang. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Don, very sorry to hear about your dad.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

To all my friends here it is with a heavy heart that I let you all know my dad passed away last night from his battle with cancer. Things will be somewhat hectic for the remainder of this week so for those who I might be getting something from or those who are waiting on stuff from me I ask please be a little patient until I get caught up. Same goes for if I'm slow responding to a p/m or e-mail, I'll get to you just maybe not as quickly as before until this all settles. I'm waiting to hear back today on final arrangements but this will be a tough week for sure. My dad was my hero and mentor growing up and this will be a difficult time for me, I appreciate in advance all those in understanding the situation.
Best wishes and deep regards, Dick and Carol Loeb :( :(
sorry for your loss don. You have our support and my prayers go to you snd your family trust me i know the feeling of losing a hero i have lost a few soldiers while supporting in iraq.

wehave your back and you know if you need anything we all are here for you brother
VERY VERY SAD :( Take care And are hearts are with you and your family.

The Ferguson Family, And the Jaguar crew.

sorry to about the loss of your dad, my thoughts are with you and you family,

keep strong,

regards Aaron
Sorry to hear of your loss Don. I lost my dad almost 13 years ago to colo-rectal cancer that worked its way up to his stomach. People want others to look up to sports idols, entertainers and such when we've got one of the best people to look up to living with us.

I know what you're going through now as you'd like to have some time to grieve but there's so much that has to be done.

Do what you have to do and don't worry about the site.
Very Sorry to Hear, you and your Family have our deepest sympathy, thought's and Prayers, I know what you have gone through, but think, NO more suffering, God Bless

Sorry to hear about your Dad and I know what you are going thur wright now.If there's anything that I can do or if you need to talk give me a call any time.

Dave Roach