OT - some sad news


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Losing a family member is always difficult. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

On the brighter side your dad is no longer fighting the cancer. He is in a better place.

Bert Dygert
Don sorry to learn about your dad. Savor the memories, he will always be with you. I will say some prayers for you and your family! God bless! Kevin
Don, sorry for you loss of your Dad. You and your family will be in my prayers. Stay strong and remember all the good times. Time heals all.

sorry for your loss Don
don , my friend my heart is bleeding for you right now, you know i lost my dad to cancer and i know the feelings you are having right now..god bless you , your family and him on his journey to a better place. cry it out because holding it in will not help, peace be with you and yours..you need anything at all don..you want to talk or anything brother you call me..

Terry and Kim Kelly ..and the boys
Thank you everyone for the kind words. Actually right now I've feeling somewhat relieved since after watching dad go through this I know he is no longer suffering. I'm sure it will still hit hard once all this is taken care of and the reality of him being gone really sets in. It's nice to know there are those who care, again thank you all.
Sorry for your loss Don. It is very hard to lose someone you love, stay strong my friend.

Don,sorry for your loss.It's rough to lose a parent no matter what the cause.Looking forward to seeing you at some of the races this year.

Don, I saw my dad go downhill as I'd run him into town for his Chemo treatments then 3 days before his passing I went to visit him at home. Here's a man that worked a full-time job then when he came home he'd work on anything from a wristwatch to a semi tractor in the garage or driveway. He'd be up at 4:30 AM every day and work until dark to support my mom and 7 of us kids. I didn't realize until I was all gorwn up and house of the house how hard he had it and wondered how both of my parents did it.

During my last visit at the house he wasn't who he was, not even enough energy to bathe himself without help. He told me that he was sick of sitting around watching soap operas and game shows and wanted something to do so he had me go out to the garage and bring in a few things for him to tinker with. He never got the chance to do anything with that stuff.

I've found it hard to talk to someone after a loved one of theirs had just passed away. When dad died I wondered why people didn't talk to me and that's when it hit me. I found it hard for me to cry also as that's something that I felt that I needed to do yet I can sit in front of the TV watching some movie and find myself choking up with tears steaming down my face. Now that I'm sitting here typing this up I have tears welling up in my eyes.

Relish the times that you had with him.
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Deeply soory for you my friend. Take care of your life, we will be here if you need us.

Very sad news Don...my thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family...Take your time with things...

-Kent Seal
Great sorrow''s for your loss Don,just remember now he's watching you all the time ,still..................My dad was snatched by cancer at an early age(53) when I was 13and I still ask him alot of questions Our Prayers are with you Steve H.

Debbie and I want to offer our condolences for you and your family. We are so sorry for your loss.

Your and your family our in thoughts and prayers.

Tim & Deb