Next sign of the end for Unlimited hydro racing?


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That's because Gary Garbrecht is putting the screws to Ed's team with restrictions on one of the few piston powered boats out there. The U-3 team busted their collective asses to be able to run up front & as soon as they win a couple they get clamped down on. Total B.S really......... :angry:

Gary has been trying to put the screws to all of the teams. Ed's just been able to recognize it and has been vocal about it, which gets under Gary's skin. Gary is out to shove some money in his pocket at everone's expense- the owners, the sponsors, the race sites, and the fans. He's turned the sport into a circus and he honestly thinks the fans are too dumb to see what he's been doing. The folks at A/B were smart enough to see that their money was not making it into the hands of the teams, where it was intended to go, and decided that enough was enough.

It's quite obvious that this guy really chaps my behind. It is a shame that a great sport can go down the tubes because of one person. This should have never been allowed to happen.

As far as Gary's letter to Ed...

Just ask anyone that has used the monitoring equipment. These units are not flawless and have been known to have a few "bugs" in them.
Yup, you are absolutely right Dennis & we the fans suffer because of it. I've never liked Gary's "policies" from day one & I think he will spell the end of the Unlimiteds if things continue down to current path......... :angry:
There is a valid point to at least recording data on the U-3. How can it be required on all boats except one? Either all record/restrict or none do.

If it wasn't for the restrictions being put into place, the Unlimited races would still be nothing but Budweiser parades. Actual competition would not exist and the lower budget teams (everybody but Bud) would race for second at best.

Worst of all, the success than Cooper has achieved in the last two years, would never had happened. No matter what the U-3 team does, that engine will never keep up with an unrestricted turbine boat.

The problem with Unlimited racing are far larger than Gary Garbrecht.

The introduction of the turbines greatly increased the expenses of running. The results seen in the last 20 years is far fewer teams and far less competition.

Find a 12 cylinder engine and make it the designated powerplant. Allow the teams to turbocharge or supercharge as they like. And dump all of the data recording and fuel restricting. Who cares if the average speeds drop by 20 mph, if the competition returns?

A few years ago, I read that Hanuer had found a 12 cylinder that would work. I think it was produced in S. America but, I haven't been able to find the article again.

"Find a 12 cylinder engine and make it the designated powerplant. Allow the teams to turbocharge or supercharge as they like. And dump all of the data recording and fuel restricting. Who cares if the average speeds drop by 20 mph, if the competition returns?"

Now here's an idea I REALLY like! B)
Sad indeed to see this happen to such an old and traditional motorsport. Remember back in the 80's when they let outboard boats compete? One of them was getting quite fast with speeds up to 165 MPH. Here is a thought. Split the boats into two divisions. Bring back the piston boats and make the turbines run in their own class. My guess is that more new teams would jump in and run the piston class....less expense and more competition....and the turbines would dry up and blow away. See, that puts the decision making back into the hands of the teams.....not just one person.

I have a couple of thoughts on this matter myself. I think they should do away with the Turbine and make the Unlimited a Nostalgia class. Why? This sport as others revolves around sponsor money, which there is a lack of for sure these days. So to save the sport they need to keep the big boats to draw the crowds, but need to take a step back try to find some formula for the future. For me the thunder went out of this sport years ago if ya know what I mean. To bring the competion back they are going to have to take a Lesson from Nascar. Lots of regulation and even more promoting. One of the things that bothers me about this kind of racing is it is all about the race to the start, not so much the race its self. They need to find some way of making the racing itself more interesting! Admittedly I do not follow it as closely as most of you, and I am aware that they made some kind of lane rule for the start of the races in an attempt at making the races better. As a casual fan last year when I heard that the piston powered boat beat the tubines I did try to catch the race on TV. So however they managed to have the piston power win is a good thing, only underdogs and close racing is going to save the sport at this point!
Kevin Whitehead said:
Find a 12 cylinder engine and make it the designated powerplant. Allow the teams to turbocharge or supercharge as they like. And dump all of the data recording and fuel restricting. Who cares if the average speeds drop by 20 mph, if the competition returns?
How about going to Dodge using the V-10 Viper Engines as the base engine exclusively, but with no restrictions on modifications. The series becomes the Dodge Unlimited Hydroplane series. Dodge gets lots of PR for their Motorsports division plus the Viper V-10 is now being produced for the marine market @ the Conner Avenue plant in Detroit, so the exposure should help sell marine engines for Dodge as well. Now we have a sponsor really getting some benefit for their buck, and we all get the thunder back !!...
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You guys are hitting quite a few valid points on the Unlimiteds. First and foremost is What does "Unlimited" mean. Un(not) Limited..... Second the next largest and upcoming class in the APBA is the Vintage Hydroplanes. Same boats, No-Garbrecht. As far as the Automotive power goes...there is still much left to be desired. Mainly the lack of horsepower. Plus the Grand Prix class just folded its cards not too long ago? This is all fine and dandy comparing the boats to NASCAR but the fan base is not there. As far as plusses...........How about Nashville,Tenessee - Music City Cup Regatta in the Country Music Capital. Internats in Jackson Tennessee. Good Ol' boys like noise Too.

I Love Pistons !
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