New Unlimited team for 2011


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When I saw this info,only hulls I can think that's out there be the Hoss mortgage U-10, an the two boats Brain perkins drove. From the press release there wanting to be competitive in win races. So be intresting to see what in store with this team.
Read about a rumor that they may rent the U-25. The doc just had/or is going to have heart work done but didn't sound like something that would sideline him when racing starts.
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Read about a rumor that they may rent the U-25. The doc just had/or is going to have heart work done but didn't sound like something that would sideline him when racing starts.
Rumor is it is the Gold Cup winner U9 Hull that Mike Hanson drove :unsure:
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I know Mike H has been over at Mike & Lori Jones' shop working on the 9. That could be it! That's a good hull & they've had it for sale ever since Mike stepped out of it.
Would that hull be competitive these days?

Anybody know the future of the U-3? Are they ever going to race again?
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Would that hull be competitive these days?

Anybody know the future of the U-3? Are they ever going to race again?
Gary Turner ( Very good friend of Ed's) told me they were OUT for the 2011 season and the boat would stay coverd up. Ed has a major problem with Sam Cole !!!
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There is a little bit more to the story than this just being a new team springing up. The Schumachers had designs on letting Scott Raney (Former U37 Crew Chief) go after the Detroit accident that virtually destroyed the I'm told. I picked up some bits of info here and there from various individuals while I was looking for pics for graphics. Some say that there was some fingerpointing after the accident. Others have said Scott was let go because he was courting sponsors for a team during last season. Now ironically if you read the H1 article, almost all of the sponsors including Peters and May are on board with the new team. So is JW Myers who was driving the 37 the first part of last year. So draw your own conclusions but I find it interesting that Peters and May announced they ended their sponsorship of the 37 at the end of the season and shortly after that Scott Raney was let go. What hull is it going to be? All signs point to the 9 boat but who knows.... What's the truth? Something probably somewhere in the middle...
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Would that hull be competitive these days?

Anybody know the future of the U-3? Are they ever going to race again?
Gary Turner ( Very good friend of Ed's) told me they were OUT for the 2011 season and the boat would stay coverd up. Ed has a major problem with Sam Cole !!!


How is Gary? Next time you see him tell him I said hello.

Would that hull be competitive these days?

Anybody know the future of the U-3? Are they ever going to race again?
Gary Turner ( Very good friend of Ed's) told me they were OUT for the 2011 season and the boat would stay coverd up. Ed has a major problem with Sam Cole !!!


How is Gary? Next time you see him tell him I said hello.

Dennis I see Gary keeping the roads hot . He stops by and talks boats monthly. I will tell him you said hello. Mike,, there's is alot more to the story than we could type in a hour. But I will say this , Scott and the crew work there tails off last season and sponsor did not over look it . Doug
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So what is the current team count for 2011?
The TEAM count is 10. Would be 11 if the 3 was participating. The actual BOAT count from race to race may be different since you have Fred Leland and the Porters that pulled out an extra boat here and there. That and the 17 actually raced more then just the NW races last year.
um the 17 raced the whole circuit last year your boat count is off

So what is the current team count for 2011?
The TEAM count is 10. Would be 11 if the 3 was participating. The actual BOAT count from race to race may be different since you have Fred Leland and the Porters that pulled out an extra boat here and there. That and the 17 actually raced more then just the NW races last year.
Don't confuse the TEAM count with BOAT count. I know the 17 ran the entire season last year. Usually Nate only ran the NW races. But you have some teams that were fielding more than one boat. The Porters had 3 red boats at some races and not others so the count from race to race fluctuated. Seemed like the minimum at any given race was 10 to 11. The NW races had 14 or more sometimes.
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Don't confuse the TEAM count with BOAT count. I know the 17 ran the entire season last year. Usually Nate only ran the NW races. But you have some teams that were fielding more than one boat. The Porters had 3 red boats at some races and not others so the count from race to race fluctuated. Seemed like the minimum at any given race was 10 to 11. The NW races had 14 or more sometimes.
Doctor Ken's new unlimited will be used by the U11 team in 2011. Doctor Ken is not racing in 2011, So this open up a new hull for a great new team ! Doug
Don't confuse the TEAM count with BOAT count. I know the 17 ran the entire season last year. Usually Nate only ran the NW races. But you have some teams that were fielding more than one boat. The Porters had 3 red boats at some races and not others so the count from race to race fluctuated. Seemed like the minimum at any given race was 10 to 11. The NW races had 14 or more sometimes.
Doctor Ken's new unlimited will be used by the U11 team in 2011. Doctor Ken is not racing in 2011, So this open up a new hull for a great new team ! Doug
Boy, I hope they repaint it. Plus that hull is not as wide as the newer boats? Pyro and the boys will have a lot of work ahead of them I think.
I talked to Pyro a couple weeks ago... He said they have a cool new paint job all planned out... It will not be the same as last years u37 either.