New Club in Richmond, VA


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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
hey guys,

I talked to John Finch and he said that he would be interested in joining a Richmond-based club, so I will be talking to IMPBA about starting one!! If you are or know of anybody living in/around Richmond that would be interested in racing, hopefully an amateur "ABC" class [like the one Ron talked about] will be included. Also,

if you would like to sponsor the club [no name yet], please email me about it. We will hopefully be having a meeting the first weekend of November or around then, so if you live near here and want to race email me and i'll "give you the scoop"
You got John Finch? Cool! These guys don't know what you're talking about when you mentioned the ABS class. I talked to Bill Zuber in a chat room last week and he was telling me about a proposed class for the boats made by manufacturers that don't fit in a class, over .129 to under .21 so that beginners could have a chance to run their "beginner" boats and to get their feet wet in racing (pun?). It would hopefully be set up for rookies with their Kyosho, Traxxas, CEN's or whatever. Something for clubs to look at if they have some extra time on race day. At aa race that I went to this past season, a club held a Novice class that went over real well with the crowd cheering on the kids!
oh, whoops. different forum.well, mike saleeby said it sounds fine, [he's the district head] i asked him for the president of the Chesapeake club's email, so i can talk to him about doing a joint fund-raiser to get us started and them some extra funds, and also about doing big races together, since we wont have the numbers to have full races inside the club. if you run across anyone who lives in VA, or anyone who owns a company that might consider sponsorship let'em know. Thanks for correcting my mistake,

i just got an email from john, he politely corrected me about what would be possible at this time, we'll probably stick to just getting together at a pond once in a while, if even that, and leave starting a club untill we have enough interest in it. but still, if you're interested in racing around here, we'd love to have you come out to goochland [or richmond, depending on how much time John can spare] and burn some nitro w/ the guys out here. hopefully, matt [bubba] hensil and i will get a team Rebel Racing site up soon.

hey jo great news ;D ;D

ive been working on the "out line" of our Rebel Racing site............

so far it looks like i should have the site up and running in one or two weeks. that sounds long but i have to get my dad to take some pictures of our boats........and dirt bike ;)

im trying to find out who owns that HUGE lake ive been telling u about..

ill get more info tomarro(hopefully) :p

Now comes the fun, print up some flyers, take them to all of the local Hobby Shops, set up a web site, see if you have a District Director with a site and have him add you to his list. Once you have the site up Tom can add you to his links. I've done this and I get calls and e-mails from people over 50 miles away interested. Start with just getting some people together for informal running first then go from there.
thanks Ron, i'll be sure to take your advice....once we get the site up, i'm gonna hafta start trying to remeber all the rc boat sites i've been to, so we can trade links.........thats going to be a challenge!! ;D informal running is where we'll start im sure, since Tom and co. [i hope he doesn't mind me calling his buddies that, but i dont know thier names] aren't going to be able to actually have races here. anyway, that's probably for the better, since i'm going to need some practice before i race in the spring, especially if i can earn enough $$ to make a .21 mono, which would give me 2 boats to set up and tune.... i was thinking of using either Dale's .21 [depending on the cost] or making John's own Wild Thing, which would be pretty easy if John'll help me out with the setting up.