Nemesis Building Party


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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2001
We missed the annual building party do to time constraints last year…..

But this year... we are ready to PARTY.

This year we will be hosting a Nemesis building party the weekend of Dec 4th and 5th. Building will begin at 8am on sat and we should have build boats by 5pm on Sunday.

Building boats this year..

Mickey Tracy

Ron Travis

Big Bryon (Big B is willing to step aside if anybody else would like to build with us)


For this party we are only going to have room in the shop for 4 builders unless we can free up some space.. I keep buying more tools...

Remember as always you can all join in via -grims chat and cam-... as it is now we have some shake down runs to do on the cam stuff.. Howerver there is a good chance we will have it purring like a CMB during the party. Look for Sheila and Dawn on the cam and lots of goofy looking builders in the background.

I would like to thank my family for there effort during the build and my close friends too. It’s a lot of work to put on this party.


Sounds like FUN!!!

I had some browser trouble try'n to get the chat/cam to work, sumpthin bout a plugin, But I'll try it out again and drop by fer some "Verbal Abuse" :lol: :p

Gene :D
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too bad your not out in washington you could have used my shop 36'x50' pack some more people in there :D :D :D

he who dies with the biggest shop wins..... i win