My needle problem?


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Mike Hughes

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2003
So in the past couple outings with my 12 hydro I have had needle issues. First was I could not get a consistant needle. It kept changing because the needle was flowing so little that if you bumped it, it changed. This was an OS needle that I have used for years and works great if you are flowing more. So I bought a bunch of others to try and get something flowing correctly.

I also got my tank from Walt. So in with the new tank and needles and headed to a race. Would figure it out there. Well, needless to say that did not go well. I spent the day setting my needles at one setting with them coming back with a setting no where near what it was when it left the beach. I tried all 3 new needles that I bought and all had same issue. Boat would go out, go way to lean and over heat, usually taking the plug. Needles were not the problem. PLUS I GOT TIRED OF ROWING. So came home all pissed off and let it sit for a week. I figure I would try and test it on the bench at home. Where no rowing would be involved.
My back liked that option.

So took my new tank and hook up the needle. Used the fuel jug pump to fill the vent tube and have the needle just feed the fuel back into the jug. Preset the needle to a setting and started slowly pumping. I pumped enough to simulate about half a race (which was all I was able to do at the race). Low and behold, the needle had jump up 20 points on the boris. Which was less than it had done at the race site. But I could recrete the issue. Perfect. Tried all needles with all the same results.

So now I figure lets go back to the tank I was running earlier (21 hydro tank) and give it a try. Problem went away..........BINGO.

So now the question is what could be on the inside that is causing this. Some kind of coating on the SS sheeting from the manufacture is all I can think of. Its probably not an issue with needles that run high flows because it does not build up. So Im letting tank sit full over night with WD40 in it and see if that will clean it out.

Anyone seen anything similar?
.125" fuel inlet and outlet tubing sizes also Mike?

I think a little bigger 5/32" tubing would help with our needle valve adjustments.

What a challenging problem. Does the 21 tank have a hopper also?


Mark Sholund
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