More Thank You's from Steve Enneper!


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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2003
I would like to again thank everyone who donated money to help me out after my boating injury. Since my last thank you list, many people have continued to help me out during this difficult time. I really appreciate everyone's support! Boaters are amazing people!

I would like to thank the following people who gave me donations while I was at the Northern Nats in London, Ontario this past weekend:

Teddy Dudley

Kevin Sheren

Ford Model Boat Club and the racers who were at the Sumpter Race

Thames Valley Model Boat Club (Mike Hallam)

The Crackerbox Gang from Woodstock, Ontario (Jerome Yeoman, Justin Service, Dave Mattson, and Chris Morley)

Thank you for your generousity and support!
Good to hear Squeak!

If you don't mind, I would guess that a lot of us would like to know how things are going with the insurance from the IMPBA.
Ron Olson said:
Good to hear Squeak!If you don't mind, I would guess that a lot of us would like to know how things are going with the insurance from the IMPBA.


yes, its going ok.its not a perfect system,as we all know.but its going to work out..

just need to thank everyone that helped out in any way.. :D :D