last Madison regatta


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I agree they where sitting down behind the pit fence next to the water what if a boat lost control? Next thing you know they would want walls up between the water and land. I was an first responder on the accident and it was a bad scene and could have been allot worse. Everyone has been waiting on the law suits like a ticking time bomb it has been said by the regatta officers that when it happens the Madison regatta will be over. Yes I know the insurance company will pay but next year when they go to get insurance for the event the insurance company will drop them and other companies will charge triple the cost now. Madison regatta is in trouble hanging by a rope and now someone has kicked the chair out. I do not blame anyone but the young man that caused the accident due to drug use and his mother. He will always be know as the kid that killed the regatta for one selfish act. I hope he is getting raped in jail right now.
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I suppose if I got hit by a drunk driver while walking down the sidewalk, I could sue the city, state, DOT, ect. for not installing a concrete barracade between the street and the sidewalk.
It is sad what happened but what is she expecting: a concrete wall between the roads and the spectatorstands to protect them? Come on, the organiztion could say if she stood somewhere else nothing happened. I think she sued the wrong ones: she had to sue the driver again.
In 07 they did instal k-rail to keep cars from going through to vaughn drive. So I guess this is another example of crisses management.

While I feel for Jen and others who were injured...., I do believe that the resposible party is the boy and his family.

That being said I think the regatta insurance companies are the only ones who will be sued for now. Then they will be going after the culprit and his family's money. And they will deserve some because his actions wre horrible and totally irresponsible....whereas the regatta has been putting on shows for years with no mishaps like this. I think it will be tough to show neglegence on the regatta's part.

I do not think it will kill the regatta (atleast I'm hoping)

See ya on the river!!

Dan Brandon
Crap!! This will be my first and as it looks last to go to the madison regatta!! This sucks big time!!! :angry: The driver and his family should be the only one who gets sued!! But too me this women is a gold digger too and you can thank her too,if this is the last reggatta :angry:
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Sorry, excuse my ignorance. but the kid was driving a car?? Monte carlo is a chevy isnt it?? :huh:

I cant see why the regatta would need to put up a fence where the road is... thats the councils job. They were boat racing not car racing. <_<

While i feel for the woman, i hate people who sue for bullsh*t reasons... sue the kid hes the one who did it to you not the regatta.

So if they had put a removable barrier there and the kid drove through that and the barrier crushed her and left her as a paraplegic.... dose she sue the company who made the barriers cause it crushed her legs....??? WTF! :angry: :angry: :angry:
Ok guys I'd called the madison regatta office and talked to someone there and it was a girl and I'd asked her about this situation.She stated to me she's the presindent and I told her how I'd found this out. She wanted me to put the word out to everyone that this wont be our last race!! She said our insurance is handling it. I dont know if she was blowing smoke up my butt or not? But if this girl wins and depending the dollar admount,The insurance could drop them like a hot potato and would be harder to get insurance or be super costly.
Guys I hate to call this a money grab but here's the line that tells all to me....

"The statute of limitations on such a lawsuit is two years and was to run out next Wednesday."

Not that I want to say pass the buck but I've run events or been involved in running events this size in years past and we as the organizers were never responsible for traffic control except in our own area of responsibility. Anything leading up it was the responsibility of the city and the local law enforcement for road closures and traffic control. I hope the insurance stiffs them because they are going after the wrong people. Besides even if the kid had insurance there's a limit on the policy to how much they will pay out I'm sure and then the rest falls on the policy holder. They probably had a low limit and now they girl and her family are looking for more. I know she's suffered horrific trauma but let's get real they're looking for deep pockets.
Guys I hate to call this a money grab but here's the line that tells all to me....
"The statute of limitations on such a lawsuit is two years and was to run out next Wednesday."

Not that I want to say pass the buck but I've run events or been involved in running events this size in years past and we as the organizers were never responsible for traffic control except in our own area of responsibility. Anything leading up it was the responsibility of the city and the local law enforcement for road closures and traffic control. I hope the insurance stiffs them because they are going after the wrong people. Besides even if the kid had insurance there's a limit on the policy to how much they will pay out I'm sure and then the rest falls on the policy holder. They probably had a low limit and now they girl and her family are looking for more. I know she's suffered horrific trauma but let's get real they're looking for deep pockets.
When an attorney files a law suit, it is filed against ANY BODY and any entity that could be even remotely involved. Normally, once the suit is setteled between her and the shaving creem sniffing idiot kid the rest of the suits will be dropped.
Anyone got a link to the original accident story?? I had not heard about this before this thread...

Anyone got a link to the original accident story?? I had not heard about this before this thread...
2 years ago before the feature a snot nose rich kid in a black Monte carlo was sniffing shaving cream (I think it was) outside the regatta on one of the main streets . Any way he freaked out, slammed the accelerator, plowed through 2 road blocks, through crowds of people, tents and chairs, jumped a culvert and went into the river. Most of the spectators went over the hood but one was dragged into the river with the car. Someone actually stepped on her under water while they were trying to reach the driver and pulled her out of the river. My 2 sons and I were walking down the street at the time. The car went within 2 feet of the boys ant took a girl that was in front of them. She was bruised up but OK I think. I never really found out for sure. It was so surreal that we just stood there for a few seconds trying to decide if it really happened. I'm sure that the feeling is similar to what many people felt when watching the jet fly into the trade center in front of them......Any way, They decided not to continue the race. On a good none, most of the people would not have survived had it not been for the many rescue personnel being right there. My hats off to them.
Wes, I worked the lady that was hit in front of you that day. She was fine and was released from the hospital that night. There where two people in critical condition the rest where scrapes and bruises Thank God. The young man began his high with smoking pot early in the day then he went to Wal-Mart and bought computer cleaner. He was so smart he bought the stuff on security camera. Then in the parking lot of Wal-Mart he inhaled it also on security camera. He then drove down 421 on his way back to the regatta. On his route down 421 many witness saw him driving erratic and called the police about it. He hit a 2 year old boy at 2nd street and Jefferson at slow speed and then gained speed down the hill crashing into the crowd and then the river.

Now onto the lawsuit because of the statue of limitation the time for the filing is almost over. So both parties have filed where they can gain the most money. To go after the boy's insurance they would only get $25,000 at the most. What I thought they would have done is sued his mother due to the fact she is a slum lord and owns a couple business. But they decided to go with the insurance for the regatta instead. I do not blame them for needing money and going after it. It is just crapy the way they are doing it and how they are placing the blame on the regatta to do it.

My hat is off to all the first responders that responded that day. It was my day off and my first instinct was to go and help. Also the Kings Daughters EMS personnel where spot on and did a great job too.
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