Laser Cut and Etched Blackbird rigger stand


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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
Made a rigger stand for my Blackbird G2. Planning a Martini and Rossi racing theme.





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If I send you a picture of my boat, can you etch a copy of it in the stand? Also, how do you glue this together? Please give me a call and we can discuss this project. I will be home for Thanksgiving.

Best Regards............Rick
**** Kev, that is sweet!! You and I might have to have a serious talk regarding boat stands. :D
Don give me a call. I am just getting into this and having a lot of fun with it.


If I send you a picture of my boat, can you etch a copy of it in the stand? Also, how do you glue this together? Please give me a call and we can discuss this project. I will be home for Thanksgiving.

Best Regards............Rick
Rick call me when you get home so you can come over and play. I can etch any picture onto the side. Black and white pics work best.
cool stand kevin

nice boat to LOL!
Let's build it, and put it on the water.
I am working on it! I can't wait to get it running. Glenn did some mods for me and I am anxious to see if my idea worked. Work has been taking up too much time to focus on it.
Don't you just hate it when work gets in the way of having fun? lol.................I have to agree with everyone else Awesome stand and very impressive boat.
Kevin,put a couple drops of nitro fuel on a scrap piece and wipe it off right away.Your

building these out of acrylic, right?
Kevin,put a couple drops of nitro fuel on a scrap piece and wipe it off right away.Yourbuilding these out of acrylic, right?
You are correct about the nitro and of course that could be a concern for some folks. However, I am using the scratch resistant stuff which I was told has some Teflon coating. I personally am not concerned about the nitro because I am a pretty anal guy. I am very particular about spillage and never have an issue with nitro ruining anything. My club guys will tell you, I am constantly covering my boats and I wipe them down with detail spray all the time. I am not really worried at all about the stand.
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You should be good to go if it has a teflon coating,i haven't been around

acrylics for over 10 yrs.I am sure they have made big improvements in

it since then.I was playing around with the fluoresent orange and green

that was around back then.The stands look killer you are making,keep

up the great work.
I cant decide if the stand looks better or the boat. Put them in a box and mail them to me. I will send them back PROMISE LOL good stuff KEV