Kiwi Jetsprinting - LIVE & FREE


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Oct 28, 2006
Just a heads up for everyone that the next round of the NZ Jetsprinting series is being broadcast live and free of charge. The H2O/AMF Boats will be running so please make sure you stop in and watch the live coverage. Times are on the website as well and please pass the url around to as many people as possible as it we get good patronage we will continue to sponsor the live broadcast.

The url is:

Thanks and hope to see you there.

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that used to show up on espn2 or speed ? can't remember which, but haven't seen it in a few years. really cool, and INSANE!!!! thanx for the link :) .
that used to show up on espn2 or speed ? can't remember which, but haven't seen it in a few years. really cool, and INSANE!!!! thanx for the link :) .
Wings and Water Wednesday's on Speed TV. Sprint boat races then extreme sailboats. My wife would even come in and watch those shows with me. Too bad that they don't show those any more. Much better than Pinks and NOPI Tuner-vision.
thanx, ron. btw, what ever happened to thurs. nite thunder??? i'd watch that, too, if it were put back on. that's where i first saw jeff gordon, racing midgets, about '82, maybe......
Josh, we'd have a long drive to watch them in person. There is some racing going on out towards the west coast. Me, I'd be happy just to have an R/C version of it.
Yea, I think I've seen those out in Moses Lake in Washington State? I'd consider checking those out if I ever made it down under on vacation though.
that used to show up on espn2 or speed ? can't remember which, but haven't seen it in a few years. really cool, and INSANE!!!! thanx for the link :) .
Wings and Water Wednesday's on Speed TV. Sprint boat races then extreme sailboats. My wife would even come in and watch those shows with me. Too bad that they don't show those any more. Much better than Pinks and NOPI Tuner-vision.
moparbarn said:
thanx, ron. btw, what ever happened to thurs. nite thunder??? i'd watch that, too, if it were put back on. that's where i first saw jeff gordon, racing midgets, about '82, maybe......
All of the really good shows on SPEED disappeared when ABC sold "The Speed Channel" to Fox, who changed the name to SpeedTV.Apparently Mr. Murdock was more receptive to large cash donations from the France family..... something had to go to make room for "The NASCAR Crew Chief's Home Gardening Show". :rolleyes:
as much as i enjoy nascar, i can't watch umpteen hours of talking about it. your speedtv comments are true.
I miss the OB tunnel races that used to be shown on Speed along with the plane pylon races.. Working second shift about all I get during the day are long ads for Wyo-tech then sometimes I catch the replays of the NASCAR races.

Yes, there is too much NASCAR on Speed TV, Jimmy Spencer and Kenny Wallace can get under your skin after a while.

Anyway, back on track here. I'll definitely try to tune in to watch the boat racing on my 'puter. I need a fix until the water thaws around here!