J.D. Radio box question?


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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2003
My progress on my WOF is slow to say the least.... But I have clearance to purchase a few "inexpensive products" form the boss...

My question is do you use a pull pull wheel like I have read about or just regular Horns?

If so what size. Sm. Med. or Lg.?

also I think I remember you talking about Robart(sp) seals???? were can I find them? do you have a pic of your radio box?

I would also like to add that there is no Home depot or Lowes on south Louisiana with 2" foam!!!!!!!!

are there any acceptable substitutes? like that crappy white stuff at Hobby Lobby?

I also ordered a Dumas 7.5 cowl today... Is that the right one?


I used 4/40 push rods with a 1/4 scale hitec and the large arm that came with it.

Look at the seals the are general seals that the hobby shop should have, or try Tower Hobies.

View attachment 1326
I wouldn't recommend the white foam. I use the plastic arms that come with the servos.

There are other seals that will work. Du Bro has linkage seals and they are available from Tower Hobby.

Thanks for the help guys...

I think I am going to try a little rig I did with a small piece of copper tubing. The 4/40 runs through it with a small piece of fuel hose over the tube that barely makes contact with the 4/40... I tried this on a little electric hyro I built and it was submerged most of the time and didn't even let a drop in....

I want to try using collars for easy adjustment like I have seen you guys post, but should I run 4/40-collar-4/40 from the servo strait back to the motor?

or should I go 4/40-collar-cable?

b.t.w. I am going to talk with someone at home depot this weekend about 2" foam.... and I am sure they are going to be in complete awe.

so does anyone know of a way to order the stuff so if/when I get aggravated with the sales person at home depot I can just leave...

I can here it right now.... "we don't have that stuff here" well can you order it? "no" well how come the Owen Corning's web site has yall listed as a distributor?

Blaaa Blaa Blaa...

Thanks again!
