International shipping options - Aussie land


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e-mail Brett Buckmaster ( [email protected] )

or PM him

I sold him 4 or 5 scales which I shipped to SoCal and he had a guy who put them into his crates for him and shipped it all to Australia for him

Maybe he can help, other than crates forget shipping to Aussie.
Thanks Rodney, I sent Brett a p/m, sure hope he can help. :unsure:

I read this post earler today and sent an emial to a friend in England who handles international freight. He handled the shipping of my 69 Camaro that went to England. He is a freight forwarder. They group smaller parcels into larger groups going to the same country(added together they fill a complete air freight container). I asked him for ideas or advice on getting shipments to OZ and also how we can better get boats from Europe.

Jim Geiger

I read this post earler today and sent an emial to a friend in England who handles international freight. He handled the shipping of my 69 Camaro that went to England. He is a freight forwarder. They group smaller parcels into larger groups going to the same country(added together they fill a complete air freight container). I asked him for ideas or advice on getting shipments to OZ and also how we can better get boats from Europe.

Jim Geiger
Thanks Jim, hopfully with all the input we will find a way to get this there without having to rob a bank....... :ph34r:
Cost me less than $250 but you can keep calling around. B)

Complete boat, not just hull!

Been there done that! :ph34r:

Someone from Oz has bought a scale boat that I didn't know about!! :( :(

I will contact a friend that reguarly ships gear out to find out if he has anything coming out before Xmas. Will get back to you within a couple of days.


Someone from Oz has bought a scale boat that I didn't know about!! :( :(

I will contact a friend that reguarly ships gear out to find out if he has anything coming out before Xmas. Will get back to you within a couple of days.

Well it never was "officially" offered up for sale but happened thru casual conversations via p/m's. Yes there will be another scale boat in the land of Oz. ;)

I truly appreciate all the efforts & input from everyone, THAT is what it's all about & makes this such a great group. :)
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May not be the easiest way, but if you can find someone who is importing cars Down under they may have enough room in there container to fit that box.

Hi Guys!

This was suggested to me a while ago............ Then came the story that cars get impounder at Aussie customs for innocent things like a case of coca-cola in the trunk............

I got a good deal on a hull a while ago.. Gary Terell (GTR) bought it from a guy on the east coast and couldn't find a way to have it shipped to him for less than $300. So I bought it from Gary and the guy on the east coast shipped it to me.

I wanted to sell a 1/8th scale to someone in OZ this spring. He offered a good price for the hull, but the shipping cost stopped the deal....................

Bob the Fool

May not be the easiest way, but if you can find someone who is importing cars Down under they may have enough room in there container to fit that box.

Hi Guys!

I got a good deal on a hull a while ago.. Gary Terell (GTR) bought it from a guy on the east coast and couldn't find a way to have it shipped to him for less than $300. So I bought it from Gary and the guy on the east coast shipped it to me.

Bob the Fool


I rememebr that deal. Gary was gonna have me literally saw the boat in half and ship it to him like that and then he'd reglass it when he got it That was the only way we could have shipped a 1/4 scale tunnel down under.........Good thing you bought it instead

This was suggested to me a while ago............ Then came the story that cars get impounder at Aussie customs for innocent things like a case of coca-cola in the trunk............
I believe this is mostly urban legend. Now if something is in there that is on the list of banned or restricted items allowed in Oz that's a different story....

I admire your efforts to find a way.........

I have to say that a lot of people have tried to find an economical way to ship an item "bigger than a bread box" to Australia. We have more than a few members from the land of Oz...........I noticed that few, if any have suggestions about any workable alternative. I have had many chances to sell to those "Down under"............. Always the same problem; Too big and too much $$$$.

I simpathize with you. If you can find a way, the folks in Australia will be forever grateful.

So, What does a one way airline shipping ticket cost???

I'm not pokin' fun at you here, I did this a while ago myself.............

Hope you have better luck,

Bob the Fool :blink:
Now you can understand why we all 'buy up big' when we come over to see you guys. The cost to get anything large over here is generally more than the cost of the article. Since 9/11, they have made it more difficult by restricting the size and weight limitations.

I got a boat from Phil last year, picked it up from Lenny Blake in Scottsdale - cut the box down to the smallest we could and bought it back on the plane. I was charged US$100 excess baggage from Scottsdale to LA and then another US$100 from LA to Sydney. To ship it UPS from Scottsdale was going to cost US$400. Now you know why there are not too many scales boats imported into Oz.

We look forward to seeing if you are able to find a 'reasonable' solution - please!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, but I have to tell you that it looks like TEAM OZZY might be coming back to a pond near you next year. More later.

Bill Annabel.

Leave pass signed has a few conditions on it how did you go? Phil looking good.

This one is going to cost me no more smoking
Don, I had the same problem recently when I went to ship a twin to Australia. I took it to the main post office and they said it was too big. I drove twenty miles out of town to a VERY small post office and they took it without ever checking the size. It arrived in a timely fashion and shipping was cheap. The down side is feeling bad because this is not exactly honest!

Eric Canto

The Speed Shop
Don, I had the same problem recently when I went to ship a twin to Australia. I took it to the main post office and they said it was too big. I drove twenty miles out of town to a VERY small post office and they took it without ever checking the size. It arrived in a timely fashion and shipping was cheap. The down side is feeling bad because this is not exactly honest!

Eric Canto

The Speed Shop
Yeah ya got lucky. :) But it's a little tough to make a scale hull smaller, the box size ain't even close. BTW- you still got my phone number?? Call me sometime. B)
Well Don I think your best bet may be to do Just which Eric said. I did the same thing. Got all the size information from one post office. And then drove to the other side of the city to a smaller one to send it out.

The Red tape is a lot thicker at the large ones. ;) ;) ;)
Well Don I think your best bet may be to do Just which Eric said. I did the same thing. Got all the size information from one post office. And then drove to the other side of the city to a smaller one to send it out.

The Red tape is a lot thicker at the large ones. ;) ;) ;)
Like I said that ain't gonna happen. A rigger, even a twin, with sponsons removed can get the box size down significantly to the point it might not get questioned. You can't make a scale hull smaller. :blink:
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which of your scales are you tentively selling?

The last 75 tunnel I mailed to GTR was an Aerotech I took it to the post office 2 times and both times was denied I kept cutting and cutting the box smaller and smaller Finally by the time I was done I wrapped the cardboard around it like toilet paper, said a prayer and mailed it Thank God it got there safely! What a nightmare.

Kris Flynn asked if I could mail him some stuff last week but never heard what he bought?

Oh the woes of shipping to Australia.
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