i know you guys are all about nitro but.....


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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
i've got an oppurtunity at a new 30cc homelite, with the works. water jacket, 4pt mount, canister muffler, clutch, raised compression, and a set of 5in stainless trim tabs for a 135 shipped. is this in the ball park or am i gettin ripped?

i tried to get a membership to post on there last week i think it was. no luck, so i just cruise the forums soaking up the info. gotta have something to work on since the nitro tunnel is all put together and ready for paint. now my gasser is all busted up and i don't know who to talk to. once again the local hobby shop wants to sell me a pro mod zenoah thats way outta my price range. if i can make my boat scoot with 30 cc and make out with some nice hardware for just over 100 that'd be in my price range.

To get into Jims you need a profile filled in, we had trouble over there with unregistered users and this was the solution that was decided upon.

The Homelite sounds pretty good but it depends on who did the mods as has already been asked. don't expect much over 40 mph though unless you go all out. Big $$$ even with a homelite.

You can get a stock Zenoah for $240 that will run circles around it.

What hull would you ever need 5" tabs for???? Sounds like a bonus but they probably aren't very useful. B)
homelite is ok to play, but if you are racing you would be wasting your time. the zehoah is the way to go. 5 inch tabs are also a waste of time and speed on anything, unless maybe you have a bass boat.
:D unless maybe you have a bass boat. :D :D :D :D

The price is good but what do you inttend to do with this combo?.

As said Zenoah's are the way to run gas boats even for fun and do not forget that there is a hundred miles distance from a stock Zen to a super modified so with a Homelite you will be bored at the pond.

I've been running a "Butch"G26 on a SGX and can tell you that I usually finish my heasts with more than two laps over a mod Bonzi G26 in the same boat!

Gill :rolleyes:
right now the boat thing is just a hobby. its something i do to have fun. to race in my area require a bit of traveling. i've got a 50in deep vee, brand unsure. even though i'm not racing i love to go fast and love to play hard. the reason i've been hunting the homelite is mostly the affordability. if i could find a zen at the cost of what this guy is talking on a 30cc home i'd go for it in a heart beat. and thanks for the heads up on the tabs. maybe i can tell him to keep the tabs and cut the cost.


p.s. even after i filled out the forum and all the info they asked for registering with the site it still came up with something about the server and needing to be a member. i don't kno
for 135$ I would not buy a homie but save another 100-110$ and get a Zenoah 260PUM or 231 PUM. When it has too much power you can always throttle down, with a homie at full throttle, you can't throttle up to get more. The trimtabe you can easily make yourself with some L profile, bolts and sheet SS.

I've seen too many guys start cheap and after 3 months wanting to upgrade to a zenoah as the other guys were going faster and spend the money anyway.

We have some boats in our club with homies. They are cool for puttin around a crackerbox etc but if you like to go fast forget it. You could get a sikk toy's engine or something similar for the same money and even those would smoke a homie and you can get some cool mods for them down the road. If your concerned about the heat it's not too hard to put a water jaket on them.
where's a good place to pick up some of these motors? all they have at the local shop is zenoah's. seems that the only place i've seen anything is ebay and we all know how that goes.

ebay and we all know how that goes.
Sometimes good , sometimes bad . Depends on what , when , why , where and from who u buy and main thing , if U know what u're buying ;)

Regards ,

Zenoahs= XXXboatworks in Fla is selling the 260's for $240 right now.

Sikk engines= O'Neill Brothers, ask for Sean, $135 to $269 depending on size.