HELP!! Need a pic quick!


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Don Ferrette

Staff member
Supporting Member
Nov 25, 2003
Hey gang,

Trying to get the graphics on my new scale the 2006 Miss Elam. This was the '99 boat they put back into service after the primary boat got wrecked. I'm in the middle of doing the graphics and we have run into a snag, seems the front canard checkerboard layout has changed from what it was on the '97-'99 version. Two of the squares wrap around the leading edge of the 2006 boat but we cannot find a shot that gives a view of the full canard area to see what needs altering. Time is of the essence here because the boat has been color sanded and needs graphics and clear done very soon to avoid resanding so basically I'm getting desperate. There has got to be a shot of this 2006 boat out there on trailer or something to give us a view of the canard, again it is DIFFERENT that the '97-'99 boat. PLEASE anyone who has or might know of someone having a good pic of this area we need help FAST!
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Here is a pic that might help don. It looks like the blue checks come to a point .
Here is a pic that might help don. It looks like the blue checks come to a point .
Not the same boat. Again - this is the WHITE back up boat that was last run in 1999. They put it back into service after the orange boat got wrecked.
Actually Don, the boat was run in 2000 with the orange and white paint scheme with Mark Evans driving only to be repainted back into the all white when run in 2006. It was on it's trailer in running condition with the U-787 Miss Dreamliner paint scheme at the HARM last time I was there. With the 0116 hull, the crew actually copied the 2000 paint job and used it until Qatar became the sponsor
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Actually Don, the boat was run in 2000 with the orange and white paint scheme with Mark Evans driving only to be repainted back into the all white when run in 2006. It was on it's trailer in running condition with the U-787 Miss Dreamliner paint scheme at the HARM last time I was there. With the 0116 hull, the crew actually copied the 2000 paint job and used it until Qatar became the sponsor
There you go Don. Mark, any info on Noah's Ark crica 4990 BC. Pics would be great. :lol:
There has got to one **** pic out there somewhere of the 2006 boat on the trailer or something where I can see the changes they made to the front canard graphics. At the very least it appears they moved the entire checkerboard pattern forward so two of the blue checkers wrap around the canard leading edge. In all the scales I've built over the years this has got to be one of the most difficult to find one simple pic for what we thought was going to be an easy boat to do for graphics. :angry:
Brandon, knowing him that be tomorrow, he's probally shooting clear right now. They don't call it Jackrabbit Racing for nothing B)
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Brandon, knowing him that be tomorrow, he's probally shooting clear right now. They don't call it Jackrabbit Racing for nothing B)
Once the graphics are sorted out yes the clear will be shot. Was hoping to get it wet this weekend but we needed to get things correct and it took good pics to do it so I'm behind schedule. Mike McKnight is working hard on the graphics issues for me and as soon as we knock out the last few details the boat will get cleared, buffed and be going together. B)