H1 is coming to NorCal after all


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Yeah I was gonna head up there but couldn't leave work in time. Jim Crandall on Fox 40 announced the press conference last Friday. I didn't wanna end up like Fox News and CNN and break it early and be wrong. Couple of D9 guys were there.
man this is gonna be awesome! are there other classes that run besides the unlimiteds?
Not sure yet whether there will be any other classes yet. I know there are some in the works but which ones will depend on APBA region 11. I would the assume the Crackers and maybe some other inboards like the K boats will be there. I would hope they get the GP boats in on the action too. I will let you know when I know.
Quick update they have a website for this race now www.bigwakeweekend.com. I've finally gotten in contact with the main guy for this event since the original contact is no longer involved. I am also in the process of putting together a scale race to coincide with this event as soon as we can secure a site. More to come.
Awesome Mike! I would love to do a scale race that weekend as well since I was planning on going to this.
Hopefully there can be a scale race in conjunction with the H1 race. Would love to bring a few scales down with me!
Work wouldn't give me that Thurs and Fri off before that weekend. Might have to call in sick.
We're trying to figure out a race site that would be in close proximity. As of now the only solid site is our usual race site of Lake Minden which is 30 mins away. We are looking at Brown's Ravine which is on the other side of Folsom Lake from the Granite Bay area where the H1 race will be. Lake Natoma is closeby as well but I have a meeting to see if that would be viable next week. The plan is to offer a couple of classes of scale. Nitro and if and of the guys in the NW want to bring Gas Scales we'll run those too. As of now there are none in District 9. I anticipate we may be able to field a flight of FE Scales too...the NAMBA FE Nats are like the next weekend at Lake Minden so maybe not. We'll see what kind of interest there is.
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I would do the 1/8th scale FE race if possible. Would be great to get in a quick race before the Nats.
We're trying to figure out a race site that would be in close proximity. As of now the only solid site is our usual race site of Lake Minden which is 30 mins away. We are looking at Brown's Ravine which is on the other side of Folsom Lake from the Granite Bay area where the H1 race will be. Lake Natoma is closeby as well but I have a meeting to see if that would be viable next week. The plan is to offer a couple of classes of scale. Nitro and if and of the guys in the NW want to bring Gas Scales we'll run those too. As of now there are none in District 9. I anticipate we may be able to field a flight of FE Scales too...the NAMBA FE Nats are like the next weekend at Lake Minden so maybe not. We'll see what kind of interest there is.
Mike as you are aware Folsom is a State park. Getting them to shut down Browns ravine may be a problem.
David Newton--Bring your 1/8 Scales to Decker Lake in UTAH the following week for the 2013 NAMBA NATS.
Glenn, if I could get my wife (and work) to approve it, I would be there! Believe me, I definetly thought about it, but we have family in Sacramento so that was the natural sell, lol. Hopefully some 1/8th scale guys will come out for the nor cal race!
As it stands now our district has a Contest Directors meeting on the 19th. Hopefully we'll have a site in place shortly after. The intent is to do it on Saturday the 1st of June which is on the race weekend for the H1 race. We just need to make sure it does not conflict with a District race. Plus one of our site choices is Lake Minden which will be hosting the 2012 NAMBA FE Nats the following week. We also compete with APBA Region 11 that uses that lake and we don't know their schedule yet either. I should know more soon.
As it stands now it doesn't look like we will be doing a race in conjunction with this event due to a lack of availability of race water. The Folsom Lake SRA is not allowing anything else to take place anywhere else on the lake. Lake Natoma which is very close has an international rowing championship from Wednesday on that week. So at this point all we may be doing is a static display of boats at the race.