Gun Control OR


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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2005
I read today that the prez. would like new gun control laws passed by Jan 2013 but no time limit has been inposed to my knowledge on resolving mental health issues. Did I miss something?.
Glenn, I saw a quick blurb on CNN maybe a 30 sec spot vs hours on the other,

Restructure of funds and increased screening, Tie in with SSA/Medicare/Medicade

Dat's it so far,


Till the fiscal cliff thang is resolved nobody know's what the figures will be........
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Queer that our govt. would put gun control before addressing mental health issues.I've owned and operated firearms for 51 years and never harmed anyone. Guess it's easier for them to take our 2nd amendment rights than take care of mentally ill.
Ditto man, I hope they can leave out the politics an just DO SOMETHING for mental health.

Knee jerk reaction here......Was out pay'n bills today and drove by the two popular local gun shops.

Geeez ya could'nt even get on tha parking lot ! Their stocking up..........

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At a gun store i go yo had 20 ar 15s the day be for the shootings now they are sold out.Our goverment dont care about us.They would rather rebuild Irac and afganastand.we need to bring back hangings If you hurt another person or shoot some one we kill you back.
yes i been saying the hanging thing for my country as well. as for mental health 50% of those nut jobs are jus cry babies because nobody has ever told them NO when they was a child then BOOM welcome to the real world where you dont get everything you want when you want it.i wish they would jus kill themselves and not inflict the suffering on inocent people
Let them try to take away the guns here in Florida law states here if you feel threatened in any away you can shoot so good luck obozo taking our guns away Robert
You could comb thru these hill's in Missouri for a year and ya might get 1% maybe.........

One phone call and ya got a .06 an 20 rounds delivered, Always been that way.

Ohh and good luck finding yer way out ;)

So how should our govt help those with mental problems? Is that covered by by obama care/ medicare or SS? I'm not trying to start s fight here- but how do we get out of this mess???
After the Joplin storm the need for help and council mentally was huge,

The Ozark Center ( our local facility ) steped up its staff with funds from donations and a pledge from the state.

Answer might be more state and local than a goverment one......


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They will never take our guns away........err I hope not anyway,,,but last I read obama wants to reinstate an old 1994 law that limits semi automatic magazine and cartridge limits...this law was overturned in 2004 I think. In otherwords no more double stack clips and hi cap magazines for rifles and handguns..This sucks cause I just passed my conceal carry test and will be purchasing a small double stack 10 round 9mm or compact 40 after the first of the year.........who needs an AR 15 anyway.........just
I agree who really needs assault weapons but on the other hand it scares me that it would be just a start of big brother stepping on our constitutional rights. They need to take steps to make access to mental health easier. My wife is a second grade teacher and she comes home all the time with stories about kids that need help and she tries to get it for them but the school system and the goverment makes it impossible. They need to listen to teachers and react to those students that are problems instead they just sweep them under the rug and hope the problem goes away or untill it becomes somebody else's problem. And PARENTS need to step up and take responsibility and parent thier children. If problems are caught early then the chances are better of success.
After the Joplin storm the need for help and council mentally was huge,

The Ozark Center ( our local facility ) steped up its staff with funds from donations and a pledge from the state.

Answer might be more state and local than a goverment one......


Gene, I think you and Rocky are right--the feds will do little or nothing to deal with mental health issues but will press for more gun control. One of our former CA govenors (Grey Davis) left the state deeply in debt. And I worry that they will look the other way and hope the problem will go away. When I think of the billions of tax payers dollars being sent overseas it makes me sick when people here need help and do not receive it. Guess we will have to stay tuned and see what happens
I hope that our leaders take a hard look at other issues besides their perceived QUICK FIX of more gun control, but I doubt much energy gets spent elsewhere. Gun control is being fueled by the media as the main solution to these problems. The sheep and our congress will follow the lead.

Even if they allocate more resources towards mental health, I feel that these mass killings will still occur. James Holmes, the gun man from Aurora CO, was receiving mental health counseling, yet he still carried out his evil work. It did not help him, or those he slaughtered.

The more I think about it, the more I have come to the conclusion that there is very little we can do to prevent these things from happening. I’m starting to think that having properly trained and armed people in these places is the only viable way to negate casualties. These deranged people pick places that prohibit concealed carry. It is almost like they know that no one in these places can stop them, and that is why they choose these locations.
So what we are saying is we have to address the whole encilada in one piece of legislation or do nothing at all. Somehow an assault weapon with a 30 round clip seems a little easier to identify as a risk to society over the entire mental health issue. In a week after the Newtown tragedy I have not seen any report that confirms the shooter being treated for any specific mental health diagnosis. Asbergers has been eluded to but it seems this was a classsic anti-social individual who was being protected by a mother who's maternal instincts over rode common sense. Anyone who commits a murder could be categorised as mentally ill and that would surely fortify the insanity defense aurgument.

Limiting the ammount of rounds in a gun and certain weapons makes sense. So does enforcement of laws and real penalties for criminals that use guns in criminal activities. You possess a gun in the commision of a crime and you serve 20 years. You fire a gun in the commision of a crime and your gone, period. If you want legislation on mental health you may wind up with people defining mental health liabilites to society that will really infringe on your rights. Adding funding for proper mental health care is an uphill battle. You can't just get rid of these people that were born different you have to help them. And that will be a discussion that will go on for more than a year. You can however make common sense of what weapons are beneficial to society. It has been one week to the hour and I still can't stop wipping the tears away for the horror those kids went through. It is a shame that many of our elected officials can't even react until the NRA has it's press conference today. One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. If you want teachers armed in your childs classrooms I respect your right to that opinion. I just don't agree with it.

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I hope that our leaders take a hard look at other issues besides their perceived QUICK FIX of more gun control, but I doubt much energy gets spent elsewhere. Gun control is being fueled by the media as the main solution to these problems. The sheep and our congress will follow the lead.

Even if they allocate more resources towards mental health, I feel that these mass killings will still occur. James Holmes, the gun man from Aurora CO, was receiving mental health counseling, yet he still carried out his evil work. It did not help him, or those he slaughtered.

The more I think about it, the more I have come to the conclusion that there is very little we can do to prevent these things from happening. I’m starting to think that having properly trained and armed people in these places is the only viable way to negate casualties. These deranged people pick places that prohibit concealed carry. It is almost like they know that no one in these places can stop them, and that is why they choose these locations.
You are right Sean, There is no way to stop it. If guns are banned nut cases will use a knife--Anyone old enough to remember Richard Chase? He killed with a knife.
Absolutely correct. People kill people. Autos, guns, knives, rocks and even your hands. My question is why do we have to make it so easy to do? Everything I mentioned are just tools we use. Only one has a primary purpose is to kill.

You make some very good points, Mic. There is no way to address the “whole enchilada” in one piece of legislation. What we will see is some knee jerk reaction that does little to address the root causes, but it will give people a sense security… Albeit, a false sense of security.

You are also correct in regards to adding funding to mental health. It will be an uphill battle, especially given our current economic situation. Blindly throwing money at a problem never really solves anything anyway.

I don’t want teachers armed in the class room, but I am starting to think that I do want an armed and trained person(s) in some of these vulnerable places. The most sickening thought to me about the Sandy Hook tragedy is the fact that it was like shooting fish in a barrel. He could have done it with a lever action rifle and had the same results.