Gun Control OR


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Well i dont have any regerster asalut rifles and i dont have 5,000 rounds of 223.nor do i have a sig 9 with 500 im good.If they want my rifle they call an asault they can have my pelet gun that has a pistal grip.Stay armed and safe my friends.
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Obama announced 23 Executive Actions, but only mentioned 5 in his address. What are the other 18?

The ones mentioned:

1. Universal Background check

2. 10 round limit on mags

3. Reinstate Assault rifle ban

4. Nominating Todd Jones to ATF

5. More cops on the streets.
It takes less than 1.4 seconds for a magazine swap. (I shoot Competition) A single shot will shoot a longer range and more accurate.

The problem is training and putting discipline at home!

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Violent action is the same reguardless of weapon, six shooter, double barrel, compound bow.

Education, training, and responsibility starts in the home, Not by executive order.


I would be VERY interested in the other 18 too if someone finds a link......
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Obama announced 23 Executive Actions, but only mentioned 5 in his address. What are the other 18?

The ones mentioned:

1. Universal Background check

2. 10 round limit on mags

3. Reinstate Assault rifle ban

4. Nominating Todd Jones to ATF

5. More cops on the streets.
The 10 round limit is on new production guns and clips. That and the weapons ban will have to get through Congress. The hypocrite made putting armed officers in schools as one of the 23 yet a week ago lambasted the NRA for suggesting the very same thing.
Thanks Ron!

Might add towards the bottom of the WWMT page is a link to Whitehouse web site for the whole plan in .pdf format.

Its 15 pages.......

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If they would pay attention to all the "mental illness" stuff, they should lock up most of the government officials in DC right now.
Well this is stupid there was a guy in my town with a dumy hand gernade he has a history of mental illness and the police just took the hand gernade and let him go .they said ha was of no harm to any one.His mom took him to a mental health place and they turned him away said they couldnt take him in because he didnt comitee a crime or hurt him self or any one else.So what it tells me is he has to hurt some one to get help then its to late.The local paper ask the police and the state funded mental health facility to comrent and both refused to coment.If some one is waving a gernade or any wepon ranting about what ever anround me im going to react.The goverment needs reform.from the ground up.I dont have the power to do anything by my self but i fill the govermernt buy this i mean the main goverment has a bigger ajenda.I just dont know what.Maby there Just over there heads and dont know what to do them selves.I have a friend that said he dont care if they take his guns.But its bigger than just that.Is our right to have guns of any compacity.Its our right of freedom of speach.if they take our rights then we have nothing.its been that every one just says thats the way it has to be pay more taxes for what i ask our roads are not gettin better or is or way of life .The goverment is spendin and spending on what.The military.Or vets are getting the $ we should ask where is it going.?????
Still reading thru the pages, But this one caught my eye.........

They want to spend 10 mil so the Center for Disease Control can study gun violence.

Ahh......Guys ya dont get that off a door handle or a toliet seat,

Let them spend their time preventing pandemics that could wipe out third of the population in 90 days.

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Other than going after the guns and high capacity mags which will have to go through Congress most of the "executive orders" are just fluff EXCEPT-

  • Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes.
  • Release a letter to health care providers clarifying that no federal law prohibits them from reporting threats of violence to law enforcement authorities.

Pay close attention to those two and read between the lines. If ANY health care provider ever asks you if you own guns you calmly answer NO or NO COMMENT. Don't say something like none of your business as that can and will be interpreted as an aggressive response and easily trigger Q's about your "mental status". Do not be surprised if HCP's do in fact begin routinely asking if you own guns as we wind deeper into Obamacare. With these now firmly in place all it will take is an HCP's "opinion" that you shouldn't possess any guns and guess what?? Think this sounds far fetched well it isn't and is something a family physician I know said to watch for when Obamacare first got rammed down our throats and here it is. He also told me as more and more HCP's get drawn into the government run healthcare system to stay solvent they'll have to rely on conforming (doing as they are told) to stay in the game which is why he said he will most likely retire in the next few years. We are venturing down a very dark path and sadly most are too clueless to even notice.......
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Other than going after the guns and high capacity mags which will have to go through Congress most of the "executive orders" are just fluff EXCEPT-

  • Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes.
  • Release a letter to health care providers clarifying that no federal law prohibits them from reporting threats of violence to law enforcement authorities.

Pay close attention to those two and read between the lines. If ANY health care provider ever asks you if you own guns you calmly answer NO or NO COMMENT. Don't say something like none of your business as that can and will be interpreted as an aggressive response and easily trigger Q's about your "mental status". Do not be surprised if HCP's do in fact begin routinely asking if you own guns as we wind deeper into Obamacare. With these now firmly in place all it will take is an HCP's "opinion" that you shouldn't possess any guns and guess what?? Think this sounds far fetched well it isn't and is something a family physician I know said to watch for when Obamacare first got rammed down our throats and here it is. He also told me as more and more HCP's get drawn into the government run healthcare system to stay solvent they'll have to rely on conforming (doing as they are told) to stay in the game which is why he said he will most likely retire in the next few years. We are venturing down a very dark path and sadly most are too clueless to even notice.......

Vary true Don. I totally agree with you.
Is it just me or is the United States Government starting to dish us up big plates of dictatorship with a side of communism and telling us not to eat our constitutional rights cause its bad for us?
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I think they are just after all of are personal information plus a big chunk of our rights all the while My kids are still not any safer in school... Maybe I will just home school my kids...

How is this going to save our children?
I have no desire to talk (Off Topic) to strangers,

I've known this group for 10 years.

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