Good One for a 7.5PRO


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Dec 3, 2002
Hi Guys!

Here is the situation:

I have a brand new tunnel with a7.5 PRO engine, everything is new. Today I tried to brake in the engine but I can`t get fuel to it. I just get fuel just when I put my thumb on the carb but when I pull the trigger to full throttle the nitro goes back to the tank. I veryfied the following:

1. Fuel Lines

2.Change the carb

3.Tried with another powerhead "used" 7.5PRO

4.Try with myn HTB Tunnel tank, this one works fine in my HTB.

5. Change the J pipe and put back the original muffler.

6. Put the fuel line directly to the carb instead to the remote needle.

7.Changed the needle

The only thing I change on this engine was the flex tube for a stainless steel one.

Hummmm I noticed that the starter is slooowww siince it was was used for 24 volts but designed gor 12 volts (Hobbico 90 Torq Master), could it is the problem?

Im start to feel > :(

This is a good one for the GURUS...

any idea :-?

That happened to me when I was new to boats after playing with R/C cars. Not suggesting that this is your problem, but are you turning the engine clockwise? They will run backwards but won't draw fuel while attempting to start em.
Think I'll clarify that a little better.

You should be turning it clockwise if you are not already.
It sounds like the spray bar is 180 out. By that, I mean the fuel outlet in the spray bar must be facing downward towards the crankshaft.

To correct this, loosen the throttle arm, rotate the spary bar 180, retighten the throttle arm.

Jerry D.
That was the thing that kept me busy for a day. Learned to start with my left hand, my right hand, my left and my right hand with one finger on the carb, etc etc. Later I read the following words on the manual at home: (in red text!!))

IMPORTANT: the barrel must close is a clockwise rotation. The opening in the barrel spraybar faces the crankshaft

I red it about five times as my English is not so good and then I new.......
8)you might want to check your fuel lines for proper

routing. inside the fuel cell. make shure you dont have the carb line on the pressure line or visa versa

