Firefighter .12


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Climate Boatworks

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2002
Hey Gang,

Just got back from the test pond. Big smile on all our faces! ;D ;D ;D

We got the FF.12 tuned in!!! We have been experimenting with the special "Kirby" sponson design from our record setting Blizzard rigger.

This FF.12 is at least 5 MPH faster than the any other comparable rigger that we have seen or run against and this mod makes it even quicker.

We have nicknamed it the "Inferno"

Get it? Firefigther.....Inferno.

I know Tom is doing a special version of the Firefighter, perhaps he will be including the special sponson design?????

Want a Firefighter .12 kit?

Re:Firefigher .12

are you offering the sponsons only for sale? how do they differ from tom's design? pics?
Re:Firefigher .12


Tell us more.. what was the MPH before and after? What makes these sponsons faster? As a nitro dude i can not find 5 mph in any sponson design so I need to learn more.

If you do not want to tell any secrets here remember you can send me a PM.

Re:Firefigher .12

The sponson design is 100% up to Tom. It's his design.

If he wants to incorperate it in to a kit, he has to make the call.

If Tom does not want to change anything, and if he gives his OK, I would be happy to show the mod. sponson design so you can copy them.

As Tom says...... "Set the water on fire with a Firefighter boat"

Re:Firefigher .12

so you're saying that the current FF is 5 mph faster than other .12 riggers you've seen? you're not saying that the new sponson design gives an additional 5 mph to the FF hull right? ???
Re:Firefigher .12

Faster on both counts Clay.

Now it is not fair to say that the FF 12 is the fastest .12 rigger out there as I have not run against all of the other designs. (It probably is though ;D) There is quite a few small riggers poping up in this area, and the FF12 is the cream of the crop.

Time will tell I guess, but so far I have to say I am VERY impressed by it. It is an amazing design.

If you know Tom at all, he will just quietly look away if you praise him on the design. He is prety humble that way. All I can say is he has designed an amazing boat.

I may just have a new favorite.

Re:Firefigher .12

Well that little turd ;) I just talked to Tom on the phone the other day and he did not say one word about the .12,

We talked some on the .21.

Hmmmmmmm wonder what he is up to?

Gene ;D
Re:Firefigher .12

Now im confused. ;D

Kerby sponsons that tom designed? What ???

Would they not be tom sponsons or house sponons or fire-house sponsons or sompthing like that?

Who is Kerby.


Re:Firefigher .12

Larry Kirby and Ray Fuller designed some Nationals sponsons for our Blizzard Ultra kits. They are faster and better handeling than the stock Blizzard sponsons.

We took the same idea and did it to Tom's FF12 sponsons. The results were quite impressive to say the least.

Larry Kirby is well known in the FE boat circles in the North West.

We all know who Ray is. (If you don't, bow your head in shame!)

The stock FF12 sponsons are great. This little addition to the bottom makes them even better. ;D

Thanks for the kind words Peter.

Feel free to explain/show the changes you have been testing.
Sharing that information really speaks well of you Tom but it doesn't surprise me in the least. After all that's what you created this forum to be all about and that's why it's the best.

Don ;)
Tom, peter and gang.

I saw some pics of this and its allot like the old Crapshooter sponsons, only one pad on this design. The Crapshooter had two with a slight channel down the center.

The real reason for this as far as testing has shown me in the past is that it changes the AOA (steeper) with out changing the belly of the sposnon. It also reduces the amount of drag that the sponson sees in the water.

On a slower boat. Say under 55mph or so this can add MPH. On a faster boat it can add instability. On a FE or .12 boat it should work quite well.

COOL good going.

Hey all, I talked to Tom on the phone last night and he gave his OK to show everything.

What a great guy!

It does not look like much in the pictures, but what a difference in performance.

The angles and sizes are very important, so dont just go slapping some plywood on the bottom of your sponsons. Its not going to automaticaly give you better speed or handeling. These were set up for the FF12. Other riggers will be different. It gives you a place to start though.

Here are pictures of the 8th design we tried. These ones hit the target in the bullseye!

Have fun.

Remember, if your not the lead dog, the view never changes. ;D

View attachment 220
Looks interesting.

Marty Davis wrote about this sort of thing a while ago on He said they tested an awful lot of steps and strakes and tunnels and so on, and finally came to the conclusion that the simple sponsons were the best! John Finch wrote recently he came to the same conclusion! :-

The two fastest riggers I have seen, both having officially gone over 100mph, had plain simple sponson. Actually both were the very early SG's, which did not feature the ride pads that the later boats do.

But I guess this is all bigger and faster boats than 12's, so I guess they could be a whole new ballgame! ;D
