Cutting Out Parts


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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2006
Im not any good at using a band saw to cut so precise, there are some plank flyers near me that cut and build their own stuff, but I was wondering about having the parts for the JAP 12 laser cut. Anyone used a laser cutting service for a build?
Bandsaws arent for precise cutting.... cut outside the line and sand or file down the excess to the lines is the way to go. Also (just my .02), your WAY overthinking how precise you have to be on the JAP... a 1/32" one way or the other of the lines isnt important (but straight, flat surfaces are the key).

My boat has been smashed/repaired in multiple ways/multiple times... including tearing out/reinstalling a bulkhead (to get rid of a twist in tub), repaired tub nose (ran into bank)... rear center "ski" taken off and put back on (for replaced stuffing tube) and numerous sponson repairs. It's a running joke that I'm a master REBUILDER by now! LOL

AFTER all this, boat runs great and can take home 1sts any given day. When I DONT take a first it is because 1)hit a bouy, 2) really poor start 3)not lean enough needle.... all MY problems, not the boat! LOL
check out some of your local sign or graphics shops. i have been told that their laser cutters will cut our thinner plywoods, no problem. the issue i had was convincing them of that....... somebody on this site told me they had used a sign shop for laser cutting. maybe anthony marquart (sp?), not sure. my local shop was scared it might damage their machine. ask around, worse they can do, is say no.
Like Todd said bandsaws are not precise-I cut parts about 1/16" oversize and sand to fit with a high speed die grinder and 40-100 grit discs and finish with a sanding block.

Good luck,

Thanks for the help, guess it wont hurt to give it a try, if at first you dont succeed, pay someone else to do it :)
kilr95ss you made the right choice. :) The build is actually very easy and the boat design very forgiving. Once you've made it, you'll be able to do your own repairs for cheap money. MUCH better than paying $$$ and then waiting for replacement parts to arrive. If you are racing, you might even want to plan ahead and make extra parts BEFORE you need them. It is almost as easy to make an extra tub and extra sponsons as it is to make teh first set.

Some building tips I learned the hard way (and should add to Rod's JAP build thread): When making the tub, take 2 pieces of ply and laminate them together using 2 sided tape (looks like Scotch tape - very thin & see-thru). Then draw on the tub's lines & cut out. Then drill the sponson holes (place some scrap wood underneath before drilling to prevent tear out on the backside). Sand or file off the excess and then pull apart the two tub sides - TA DA - 2 perfectly matched tub sides.

Use the same method and steps to do your sponsons.

And IF you choose to make extra parts, it is just a matter of adding more layers of ply using the 2 sided tape trick.
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Im not any good at using a band saw to cut so precise, there are some plank flyers near me that cut and build their own stuff, but I was wondering about having the parts for the JAP 12 laser cut. Anyone used a laser cutting service for a build?
ABSOLUTLY what Todd and Glenn said!...Im not worth a flip with a bandsaw, But i cut high on the line and block sand back to it! I have built a bunch of wood hydros and must have about 50 different shapes and sizes of sanding blocks..they will become your BEST FRIENDS, so go for it! if you mess a piece up, chuck it in the ol scrap pile and try another...and have fun! WOOD RULES! :) Bill
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We laser cut the Hammerhead .12 kits on my sisters laser cutter. I'm going to try this winter to do a couple of JAP .12's for personal use. I wouldn't sell any without the permission of those involved in the design of the boat.
We laser cut the Hammerhead .12 kits on my sisters laser cutter. I'm going to try this winter to do a couple of JAP .12's for personal use. I wouldn't sell any without the permission of those involved in the design of the boat.
i belive zipp kits are cutting them and selling them for 39.99 so snatch em up..i heard this and have not checked it yet so you might need to call them.

that's what i had read on here too. i had wanted to find a used scroll saw (would work WAY better than a bandsaw by the way...) until i saw that cnc kits are being sold for just 40 bucks. hard pressed to find all the mats for much less than that, especially since CF rods are SO expensive at any hobby store...
The Zippkits boats will come with fiberglass rods but I've got some carbon fiber rod in 3/16" that I may use. I picked up a bunch of it cheap a few years ago at the Toledo show, $7.00 for a 4 foot length.