couldn't be happier


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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2003
You guys saw the riggers I just built. I just got the kinks ironed out and I couldn't be happier. The boat has a symmetrical airfoil shape on the tub, curved top front sponsons with a slight over hang ledge, a very long center rear sponson that runs almost to the engine compartment. IT has an over hang also. The boat did catch that edge 2x in a rough water turn and it rolled .

I'll need to adjust my driving style a little for that...

BUT, the boat is very launch-able and for .12 that's not real easy. It slows down and gets back up real well. I have not had it on radar but it's at the 60 mph or at least VERY close to it. I'm running a stock RalMicron .12, Glenn's pipe, a 215 prop and only 30% fuel...

I think my other boat may be just as good with a center shoe like this one..

I couldn't smile any bigger..
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It is always so gratifying to see one of your creations run so successfully!! I am thrilled for you.

I agree with Shawdaddy, how about some pics and videos!!! :D
wheres the pics? lol i am going to build a 12 and would love to see yours
Well, I should have gotten pics earlier..

I was running today and had a radio glitch or something and the boat ran ashore full speed. It actually hit a sheet of styrofoam, flew about 25ft and hit a park bench. Glad no one was sitting there.

Broke both boom tubes, bent strut and rudder, dented pipe, trashed prop,.. Could have been WAY worse... It actually held up pretty well.

The radio worked when I got it back.. not sure what the deal was.. Battery connection probably.

I wanted new hardware anyway!
that really sux!! was that a prop i'm familiar with? if so, i think i know where more are. if so, i can do another one for ya. lmk. i really didn't do anything special to it, mostly just s&b&p..........