clamping suggestions for coupler material.


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Thomas and betts makes a real good ( for industrial electricians) set and can be found on Ebay quite a bit. They are around 75 - 80 for a new set. Got my last one on Ebay for about $40. I did see a set at Harbor Freight for around $12 with steel jaw and cutter.
Coupler Clamp.jpg

Or you could just buy a set of the Gail Force Coupler Clamps ..$25.00 plus shipping. Three different sizes. .21, .45, .67/80

Don :)
Ok , I find myself back here again.What is a good header material and size(preferably thin wall material so I can get my pipe in close to the motor) to use for the NR header and woods cooper pipe and if you have something that works that is small enough for the header and large enough to go over the pipe Let me know.I want to find the proper coupler material and use don's clamps If i can.

My header just slips into the pipe (which is cut at the retaining ring) about 1/8"

I was told that the jb weld and the aluminum ring on the header would not work because it is too close to the engine and the heat in the header would not allow the jb weld to stay.I have a ring made for the header and have not installed it .

The problem i seem to be running into is the coupler is not a snug fit on the header and is very tight on the pipe ???
Terry, here you go. This is what I use, and it works great!!



Im not going to yank your chain, these are a complete PITA to get onto the pipe, but once you do your good to go.
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They don't split Rodney ? or break due to being expanded so much at the pipe.How long do they typically last ?

Do you have the same pipe setup as me and what lenght is it to the weld and so i can get an idea of how it would set on the header pipe ?

Terry, I have been running the same one now for 2 seasons. They are 100% silicone, so they wont split out as long as they arent exposed to direct exhaust gases. IE, make sure your header telescopes into the pipe.

And Im currently running a novarossi header with the s-pipe at 3 inches measured from the plug center back to the weld.

I just use zip ties to hold the coupler in place in the header and on the pipe itself. Then have a clamp on the stinger to tub side to keep it from moving.
Same deal as Rodney , short S pipe and zip ties with two full seasons on the coupler.
