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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2003
Sent him two pipes almost a month ago, still no payment. Did remind him about 9 days ago still no payment.

If anyone out there is going to do bussines with him, make sure you get your money first or what ever goods his "store" sells you :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: .

Bill Heacock

Lets let RC Pilot give a chance to come on to IW and help us understand what the hold up is.

RC Pilot,

Bill is a super guy and a good freind to all on the board. Lets get this taken care of so we can get rid of this post..

Take care

Lets let RC Pilot give a chance to come on to IW and help us understand what the hold up is.

RC Pilot,

Bill is a super guy and a good freind to all on the board. Lets get this taken care of so we can get rid of this post..

Take care

Got my vote Mike. I'm starting to get e mails from someone else he also owes $ to. I've talke to two other people with same problem no $ forthcoming for goods or services rendered.I really would like to see deeds rather than words, but for the boards sake, I'll cool it for awhile, see what he does.


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As I did not see this post in this section of the forums, I have cut and pasted my reply from the for sale side of things......

Here is my reply as it was posted yesterday in the for sale forum:

Boaterbill and Rusty from H&R Customs


For your peace of mind and information, money has been sent to you both, even prior to me seeing this message.


For boaterbill, rusty and everyone else reading this, Understand that I am not offering any excuses for the delayed payment to boater bill, just an honest and complete explanation for a really bad situation.


One of my boys, and some of you know them, was charged with a BS charge of 4th degree sexual assault by his best friend and our neighbor. The accusation (an inappropriate touch of her breast, which was accidental) was reported to the school as this supposedly happened on the school bus. Since the police are in the schools, the police brought him in for questioning at the school and sent the report to the district attorney. Much of what is going on we have had no information about until just recently when we received the summons to appear in court. miniumum retainer for a lawyer on a case like this is 7500 to 10000..... we have spent the last couple of weeks running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to get our hands, hearts and minds around what is happening to and what potentially will happen to our 16 year old son and the rest of his life because of a BS charge that is being handled in the black and white world of our legal system. Basically at this point, he is male therefore he is guilty. As we are finding out, welcome to the real world of our legal system.


The defense and the well being of my son is more important than my boats, my home, my hobby shop, unfortunately the timely payment to a person that did send a product without payment (which is completely unheard of in this day and age) and so I have been trying to take care of all of this and not really getting much else done in the mean time.....


If this (my sons situation) gets any further out of hand I will be putting all of my boats, planes, cars, and most anything else I have for personal assets up for sale here to raise money for my sons defense... I am offering up total disclosure of this personal situation in hopes that in the event that I have to try to sell my personal items that others will not be fearful of purchasing my boats and motors as I try to raise money....


So while the juicy gossip is now out there for everyones consumption and I have a black eye with anyone that knows me or may have wanted to do business with me, I offer my true and sincere apology to Boaterbill and also to Rusty from H&R Customs, whom I also have an outstanding and unpaid bill with....


Thanks everyone for your time and hopefully consideration and prayers as our family goes through these times. My deepest apology again to boaterbill and rusty whom both have had to wait a little extra time for your payments....


Bill Van Kirk


There is no more that I can say that I didn't say in this post
