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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2003
not to start a panic but anyone seen Aaron Alberico (nova-rossi,,props) ? a buddy of mine cant get a response from his cell or e-mail all of a sudden and his .46,and 2 .91's have not arrived.been a month or soo. race season starting so kind of an issue
kool.my bud called me yesterday and said the president of the melbourne boat club ,i think it is, got a hold of him and he said he will be shipping the stuff shortly.

we still dont understand why if they were comunicating all the last 2 years why he would not jus answer the text with the same info.

oh well :unsure:
He stated some time back that he was going through some things maybe that had something to do with the reduced conversation. Im not at all close to the guy by any means but thats what was put out to the community. good luck
Hey Shawn

tell Graham

sorry missed his calls been realy busy(dont get on here much)

i sent him email last week regarding the 90 pipes he was after, waiting to here back...

check your emails buddy let me know, or i'll call him start of next week..


regards Aaron
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ok he jus called me earlier to ask n i said i have to check. ill call him back n tell him.

on another note ,i thought this site was supposed to notify me of updates to posts <_< i came on here sat and sunday n saw nuthing.i had to do a search jus now 4 my own post and it came up #2 lol wieeerrd
ok.i hate being in the middle of "stuff" but this it "goofy" to say the least.

here we go-

Graham has purchased and recieved stuff from you,Aaron, before as he has mentioned to me in the past.

he showed me some BBm messages that included u saying u wanted his address.


he showed me a message he sent with his address.

its getting hairy now as he is being forced to build another twin to take .80's instead because of this "inconvenience"

i get in da middle cause he shoots the ideas by me for new design changes,n im all like "what about the .90 hull?-whoops"

long story short he wants to know if you have a tracking # or some type of arrival est. (??)
send the address to me and i will give it to him...he has told me he hasn't got it so it means he hasn't got it.

not hard to send it via PM, email and text just to be sure, he wants to get the stuff out of his shed
yea but he sent it to him a month(or more) ago and then again last week. you cant say u didnt receive a blackberry message when ur responding to said message. thats not how BB's work. the system shows wen its sent,received and read. sooooooo ???

i dont know .i jus dont know :wacko: