A/A 67 and 84


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Al Hobbs

Legend of the NW
Aug 25, 2009
I must apoligize. Due to health issues at home, I have not been able to visit the Rossi factory to get the A/A 67 and A/A 84 projects going. These engines will be delayed until I can spend time at the factory to make certain that we will get what we want.

I really thought that I could get over there in November or December, but it just was not possible.

I promise to keep this trip high on my priority list and I will get over there as soon as possible.

In the mean time, I have more than 125 A/A 45 engines and 90 A/A 21 Marine engines in stock.

Al Hobbs
You are doing a great thing with the A/A'S.Feel Better Al and take your time.

Sorry to hear you're not your regular happy guy Al. I don't get on IW every day and only maybe once every 2 or 3 weeks, so i'm not in the loop that much!

I've heard you and Andy are making some new engines, and that's great! The Hobby needs them. I talk to Doug from time to time and he lets me know what's happening (usually)about some of the guys out west.

How are the new motors working out anyway? How much are the one's you have ready? Could you send me a list of prices and motors you have in stock Al, i'd appreciate that.

You can send them to [email protected] Thanks.

My wife & I will Pray for you too! Keep smiling Al! Blessings.
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Thanks to everyone. I am feeling great. Other than a little bit of a cold, I'm fine. But, some of my family members are having some trouble and I need to stay close to home until things improve.

Al Hobbs
Thanks to everyone. I am feeling great. Other than a little bit of a cold, I'm fine. But, some of my family members are having some trouble and I need to stay close to home until things improve.

Al Hobbs
Best to you and your family Al for a speedy recovery

it went thru this house as well during the holiday...

Arctic conditions in Calif? really?...come on!
I must apoligize. Due to health issues at home, I have not been able to visit the Rossi factory to get the A/A 67 and A/A 84 projects going. These engines will be delayed until I can spend time at the factory to make certain that we will get what we want.

I really thought that I could get over there in November or December, but it just was not possible.

I promise to keep this trip high on my priority list and I will get over there as soon as possible.

In the mean time, I have more than 125 A/A 45 engines and 90 A/A 21 Marine engines in stock.

Al Hobbs
Al, could you publish current prices?
I bet the prices are still the same.

First of all, thanks for the kind words.

We had pictures of the engines on I.W. earlier. I don't know if it is okay if I put them on again. But, if somebody that is running the A/A engines wants to put a picture up......

The 21 is $415.00 delivered anywhere in the USA. The 45 is $410.00 delivered anywhere in the USA.

I have been working on a website, but I would like to have a few more engines to show than just the 21 and 45.

maybe when I have the 67 and 84 ready to go.

Thanks for your interest.

Al Hobbs
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You are right, prices have not changed. The A/A 45 is $410.00 delivered the USA. The 21 is $415.00 delivered the USA.

The 21 pipe is $65.00. The 45 pipe is $75.00. The 80/90 pipe is $85.00.

These pipes have the pressure tap instlled and the price is deleivered in the USA.

Al Hobbs
The 45 and 80/90 pipes are muffled. The A/A 21 pipe does not have a muffler.

I do have some Kalistratov made muffled 21 pipes with a pressure tap installed that work well for $75.00 delivered.


For pictures of the AA21 and AA45 engines, go here.... AA engines

I have run both and while I do not have much time on the 21, I ran the AA45 for 7 races this past year in my Mutt sport 40 after the CMB redhead RS bearings went south. The AA45 was an improvement over the CMB in performance and in ease of maintenance.

I cannot wait to replace all the CMB 67's in the scales with the new AA67.



The 21 and 45 use aluminum rods. The larger engines will use a steel rod with needle bearings at the crank pin.

Al Hobbs
It wasn't that long ago when many of us were running RPM aluminum rods in all of our engines. The material quality and workmanship was very good. We even ran aluminum rods in the Picco and OPS 90 size engines with good results. The first thing I did with a new Picco or OPS engine was to install an RPM rod.

What is important is that the material used has the strength to stand up to how you run.

That is why I go to Italy to visit the factory everytime I need to discuss engines. Andy and I learned several years ago that you just can't tell the factory to send you some engines without taking the time to explain exactly, face to face, what is wanted.

Al Hobbs
Al I am hoping that somewhere in that product launch curve there is a MAC style 21 front exhaust engine. Tony J
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Son Dave and I talk about you often. We really hope all is well with you and family.

We certainly will want to know when .67s come available.

Warmest Regards,

Bill Brandt
I am behind in getting the 67 and 84 engines out. I'd like to get a 90 done after the 67 and 84. Then it will be time to bring out a MAC style 21.

Things are moving ahead, but slowly.
