Fall Nats Redneck Pool Party Info!


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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
Hey Guys!

OK, here is the info you have all been waiting for! Details for the Redneck pool party hosted by Me Time and JJ Custom Racing Apparel at the Fall Nationals!

Before I go into the details, a quick word about safety! Please please please have a designated driver if you plan to drink. I consider all of you my friends and would never want to be responsible for someone getting hurt. We want everyone to enjoy themselves and have a great time at the party, there will be a “redneck motel” available on site for anyone that feels they can not drive.

OK, now that I got that out of the way! On to the good stuff!!

Food will be provided at the party, we are asking for a $5.00 donation from everyone who attends to help cover the cost of the food. If you can’t afford a donation, come anyway, we want everyone to join in the fun and have a great time!

Games!!!! We are having our own version of the redneck games, contestants will compete for a grand prize (new boat) Prizes will also be awarded to the winners of each round. You may sign up to compete in as many or as few competitions as you please. The top winners from each round will go on to compete in the Final round to determine the grand prize winner.

Please let Jeni or I know which competitions you would like to compete in!

Round 1 – Carving contest: The contestant to carve THE best boat out of a can of spam will move on to the finals

Round 2 – Hat Flipping contest: The contestant to be the first to land 2 Tea Bags onto the brim of their hat will go on to compete in the finals

Round 3 – Cookie Roll: The first person to move an oreo cookie from their forehead to into their mouth will move on to the finals

Round 4 – Duct Tape competition: The contestant to build the coolest wallet out of duct tape will move on to the finals

Round 5 – Seed Spitting contest: The contestant to spit a seed the farthest will move on to the finals, each contestant will be given 3 chances to spit

Round 6 – Bobbing for Pigs feet: The first contestant to retrieve a pigs foot from a baby pool will move on to the finals

Round 7 – Beer Can Smash: The contestant to smash the most number of beer cans in 30 seconds will move on to the final round.

Round 8 – Best Redneck Attire: This is a round that EVERYONE can participate in. We will vote by ballet. Winner of the best redneck attire will move on to the Final round.

Final Round: Mini Balloon Boat Race – The boats for the final round will be provided, this will consist of 3 rounds of heat racing to choose the ultimate redneck games grand champion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other Games – There will be several other games set up for the fun of it: Redneck Horseshoes, Name that redneck tune ect…….

Hope everyone will plan to attend and wear their best redneck attire!! It’s going to be a blast!!!

Please help us get a head count by letting us know that you are coming and what game or games you want to participate in!!!!!


Kerri Carter
I assume that this is planned for Saturday evening, correct?
Kerri is just a silly little Redneck...she forgot to put the date..which is Sat night after the races in the field behind the RV parking area. Just follow the Pink Flamingos to the party site........I will be selling cool looking "I survived the Redneck Pool Party" for $15.00. You can pay at race or paypal me at [email protected]...Right now I need your name and sizeso I can order the shirts this week. thanks jj
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John you gonna participate ??

I have not much thought about it yet. I am just getting over being ill from a bone infection for 2+ weeks. I am way behind in testing and getting ready for the race and that is my focus. Will give it some thought.
John you gonna participate ??

I have not much thought about it yet. I am just getting over being ill from a bone infection for 2+ weeks. I am way behind in testing and getting ready for the race and that is my focus. Will give it some thought.
Oh come on John...the Bobbin for pig feet will clear up any illness you still have. lol..jj

Since the bone infection is deep in my jaw, I think not. Likely get another one. Since this one put me in the ER, not a chance I'll go bobbin!
im not a true redneck im a Rican neck from TN. I have my Tent but i might stay in a hotel room i have to coordinate with my TBM Randy Premo.

ill be too drunk to play but what the heck ill we should all participate in the 3 heat race even ( demolition derby style) lol Put some bumpers on ypour boats its gonna be a wild one lol..

I seen Jeff Whiddon's costume, he sent me a pic of it.
That's a hands down winner right there.
Look for the 6'2" bald guy

Wearing a Speedo

Tony Lama's

A Black Stetson Hat

With a drunk Puerto Rican

And a half wit CD.

All we need is 2 12 volt batteries

jumper cables

and a saddle

WANNA RIDE!!!!!!!!!
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im not a true redneck im a Rican neck from TN. I have my Tent but i might stay in a hotel room i have to coordinate with my TBM Randy Premo.

ill be too drunk to play but what the heck ill we should all participate in the 3 heat race even ( demolition derby style) lol Put some bumpers on ypour boats its gonna be a wild one lol..

Julian you silly Ricanneck from TN...you can not just play in the final and destroy everyones boats..you have to play in other events and win them to play in the final boat race.... we might need your tent too if our Redneck Motel fills up with a bunch of drunks.....at least it is walking distance to the pond so when you wake up all ya gotta do is stumble over to your pits.... Just remember if you get too drunk Mitch and Tony Atwell will put you to bed...right Gabe...lmao...jjlol
Look for the 6'2" bald guy

Wearing a Speedo

Tony Lama's

A Black Stetson Hat

With a drunk Puerto Rican

And a half wit CD.

All we need is 2 12 volt batteries

jumper cables

and a saddle

WANNA RIDE!!!!!!!!!
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All rooms will be ground floor.

Look familiar Gabe?

Al and Joe will be serving fresh fish sammichs for breakfast.
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