OT- Stupid people tricks, part ??


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Ron Olson

Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2001
Link to the story

I saw this in today's newspaper and on the 6:00 news. The Police did the guy a favor and didn't release his name. The paper described him as "stone-cold sober" at the time of the incident.
speaking of darwin award. did you hear about the guy who strapped the JATO rocket to the top of his car? fyi jato stand for "jet assisted take off" rocket. they were used on amphibian planes to assist take off from water before they had enough power to lift off on their own.
Next time he will remember to tie a string to that thar stone so ya can stop the car!

Guy's . . .the JATO incident is an "Urban Legend" ONLY.

Myth Busters tried to reproduce it with POOR results . . .just one of many many "TALL" tails :unsure:

Happy New Year


:D :D :D
Guy's . . .the JATO incident is an "Urban Legend" ONLY.

Myth Busters tried to reproduce it with POOR results . . .just one of many many "TALL" tails :unsure:

Happy New Year


:D :D :D
I saw this in today's newspaper and on the 6:00 news. The Police did the guy a favor and didn't release his name. The paper described him as "stone-cold sober" at the time of the incident Never use a 24 vlt pitbox LOL Mikey
You would think he would have had sense enough to tie a rope to the bumper and tie the other end to himself. That way he would not have to run after the car. This guy must have never watched Indiana Jones.
He almost caught up with the car but tripped in a rut, from then on he could only watch it speed away.

My thoughts are that things could have been a LOT worse.

This story got the front page of the second section of the newpaper. Front page was a 69 year-old bowler who had just rolled his third perfect game of his life in his first game of the night then died of a massive heart attack in the fifth frame of his second game.
Link to the story

I saw this in today's newspaper and on the 6:00 news. The Police did the guy a favor and didn't release his name. The paper described him as "stone-cold sober" at the time of the incident.
I heard Ron, that you robbed the local bank in your town to support your boat habit? :lol:
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Guys, I'm having a little trouble believing this story, "News" or not. How was the 100 mph measured, radar gun? 100 mph would be really tough to achieve in a long, dry field with good off-road tires. Interesting, but not very factual I suspect. I'd enter it in the "Fun Fiction" category and I think he is "stone-cold stupid".
The State Police were the ones estimating the speeds. It is possible with the car traveling almost a 1/2 mile at full throttle. It was a Merc or Lincoln, kind of hard to tell as the front end was pretty trashed. I kind of doubted the speed also, I would say maybe 60 but not 100 otherwise the car would have looked a lot worse and the tree didn't look that bad either.