2014 Herb Stewart Challange - Round III


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Good news Robert, as long as my surgery isn't the few days before, I should be good to go. Sucks being at work comps mercy to get dates......
Well , the 1st Annual- Summer Outboard Shootout in Sowega is in the books and for a first year sister race to Herbie and the Tri-Oval Format -


Might be a good idea to pencil that date in for next year cause Kem and the boys have big plans

Think STORM returning with a TON of perks

THAT SAID - its getting pretty close to time to start thinking about it again

I will talk to the powers that be in the next day or so about getting entry up on RcRacingevents and touching base with our Sponsors to give them plenty of time to plan.

If you plan on racing the best Outboard Tunnel racers in the country- this is where your gonna want to be in November- period

(I wont say world quite yet-lol)

Mark Sholund- Props4U - 2 Class Sponsor

John Otto- Technology Fuels - 2 Class Sponsor

Glenn Quarles -Top Engines - Awards and Class sponsor

Vision Craft Boats - (your gonna have to wait -but its good

Grim Racer - ( same deal as above )

Carl Van Houten -VansRacing (same deal as above)

Kris Flynn - KND Valkyrie Boats Coming Soon... and of course- Flex Shafts (class sponsor/raffle)

Steven Vaccaro- Offshore Electrics F/E Class Sp
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My name should be at the top...I should certainly be above a few on there...go and check the date stamps please
Coming from the Queen of hot air, I will take that as a compliment. Three races down, two or three more to go will probably do it for me Kris.
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Coming from the Queen of hot air, I will take that as a compliment. Three races down, two or three more to go will probably do it for me Kris.
Ron -

Love you too Ron

I re opened this thread because of the direction that the Interest fading thread was traveling, frankly I for one could care less what you two decide to do- This thread was brought back to the top to distance this race and the host club from the negative light posts that seem to just keep coming.

I said my peace weeks ago and I will not stand to see the negativity on this website and this particular forum continue to exist. If you have interest in attending a very quality race come November in West Central Fla- then be an active participant in this thread and lets promote Rc Tunnel Boat racing at its FINEST -

Not its lowest- (btw, if you feel the need to reply in a negative way to this post- I will report you and push for your ban from IW-)

THAT SAID- How bout it Mike, lets get this train rolling for 2014

Andy Greene
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I see no negativity above, just some friendly communications between two boaters continents apart. If you think the posts above are worthy of banning, all I can say is wow....lol. I will go back to another thread, and hopefully this new leaf you have turned will help you give others the same respect. Peace out!!!....
You guy's bickering have kept me entertained for a long time now, but it is also one of the reasons I have no desire to run boats anymore.

That was mild...lol. Sorry you feel the fire of competition is fading. Hopefully you can pack up your stuff, and come have fun at another race soon. Looks like this Herbie race is building to be a good outboard race to attend. We are all due for another trip to the Japanese restaurant in Charleston as well. Bring Jeff Connely with you!!!!....
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Awww come on fellas...cant you feel the love.

talking BS is good...is long as it gets backed up on the water!
ok shawn said it.. I agree. the constant back and forth is wrecking the sport for me.. there are a select few who I have much respect for and will miss racing and hanging with.. the others oh well... if things change ill be back with a vengeance.. but I feel the sport is slowly fading. who wants to invest thousands to get hacked at a race or backstabbed on a forum.... ok peace out you ladies have fun......

sorry andy for putting this on the herb post but I felt it was better here than starting a whole new post to get flamed on
Shawn / Jeff I understand - and I give up. I could continue to play this pointless never ending game or just walk away from it- Im done , nothing changes.

Its a shame, I have asked and asked and asked, if I dont at least deserve that respect after being as open and honest about the situation as I possibly can, then I'm wasting my breath. Its a shame and an embarrassment, I wouldnt blame the host club if they said screw it either.

See ya
Ok then. Why do you think it is like it is?

1 person? 2 people? 10 people? Causing the issues?

Unfortunately computer screens give people special powers...it also has the problem of not relaying the way something is said. (ie sarcasm)

Alot of people just need to stop reading into things too much. I love this hobby...cost me thousands...but I certainly dont just do this for the boat racing! The BS at the end of the day (even during the day) is what its about, the people and friends I have met/made over the years from all walks of life is amazing.

maybe the Outboard racing group are just too passionate for their own good :)
Kris, i'll make you a deal - you go, i'll go. Be about 1300 miles one way for me, but i'd be honored to shake your hand!
Ok then. Why do you think it is like it is?

1 person? 2 people? 10 people? Causing the issues?

Unfortunately computer screens give people special powers...it also has the problem of not relaying the way something is said. (ie sarcasm)

Alot of people just need to stop reading into things too much. I love this hobby...cost me thousands...but I certainly dont just do this for the boat racing! The BS at the end of the day (even during the day) is what its about, the people and friends I have met/made over the years from all walks of life is amazing.

maybe the Outboard racing group are just too passionate for their own good :)
I learned one thing at the SOWEGA tri-oval race last weekend. You don't need 100+ boats to make a quality event. Time for the Florida tunnel boaters to gather, sit back and enjoy the group we have here. If anyone from out of state wants to join in they won't be disappointed. Brandon is a great site. The weather will be perfect. Just add "nitro" and a couple "sparkies".
