Wood T boat


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Supporting Member
Oct 24, 2002
Well I sold my old T boat so I had to start on a new one if i am to race this year. Got it all framed up and the decks and bottoms on too. did the sponons in the drop down style and made a epoxyglass cowl to fit and cover the motor, still have to make small bump over the needle valves or cut them down. I have a epoxyglass 5x6 radio box for it too.
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Is this a pre-cut kit?

Who's kit is it? Looks nice

Looks like a modified Blazer kit. Phil, are you going to make her the Miss US?

No it is not a kit you can get, Buddy gets the ID award. Not sure what paint scheme, I have a HIpoint hydro too that may be US. Lot of Bob J input on this build. We will see how it goes. Longer wider than a Zipp but shorter hull and taller sponsons than a Blazer.

Is this a pre-cut kit?

Who's kit is it? Looks nice

Looks like a modified Blazer kit. Phil, are you going to make her the Miss US?

No it is not a kit you can get, Buddy gets the ID award. Not sure what paint scheme, I have a HIpoint hydro too that may be US. Lot of Bob J input on this build. We will see how it goes. Longer wider than a Zipp but shorter hull and taller sponsons than a Blazer.
Phill Zippkit are comming out with a new T boat that is 2-3" longer and 1-2" wider. There going to display it at Toleto show next month. Then that boat will be NAMBA legal..Joe is planning to Build a GAS T boat to race at the NATS this year.His Friend Rick Reisenger is going to help him with the setup on it,since joe was impressed on how fast Ricks T boat is.
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Phill Zippkit are comming out with a new T boat that is 2-3" longer and 1-2" wider. There going to display it at Toleto show next month. Then that boat will be NAMBA legal..Joe is planning to Build a GAS T boat to race at the NATS this year.His Friend Rick Reisenger is going to help him with the setup on it,since joe was impressed on how fast Ricks T boat is.
Well that is good news, I sure liked my Zipp Rocket roundnose
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Phill Zippkit are comming out with a new T boat that is 2-3" longer and 1-2" wider. There going to display it at Toleto show next month. Then that boat will be NAMBA legal..Joe is planning to Build a GAS T boat to race at the NATS this year.His Friend Rick Reisenger is going to help him with the setup on it,since joe was impressed on how fast Ricks T boat is.
Well that is good news, I sure liked my Zipp Rocket roundnose
Joe wasnt to build the drop sponson. He said why build something bigger that can cause more weight =slower speeds. He's trying to find info/pics on his friends dad's J-72..When joe was 8 years old he had a friend that his dad raced a smaller T boat with a 327 chevy in it. awayed helpping his friend and his dad working on it.
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Misshydro, how does dropping the sponson deck make the boat heavier? The lower deckline means each of the sponson frames is shorter top to bottom so in theory it should make the boat lighter rather than heavier
Misshydro, how does dropping the sponson deck make the boat heavier? The lower deckline means each of the sponson frames is shorter top to bottom so in theory it should make the boat lighter rather than heavier
No hj. Joe is building a drop sponson..zippkit is making a bigger thunderboat to be namba legal . It will be 2-3 incs longer and 1-2 incs wider.. joe petro told joe to wait until he see that boat at toleto show.. we don't. Race in namba..impba all the way..so why build a bigger boat=heavyer boat since we don't race in namba races anyways.
Okay, I got it. From your last post, I was under the impression that you were saying that a drop sponson hull was heavier than a nondropped hull. Making the hull bigger by the amount you're looking at should only add an ounce or two so it should be a nonfactor speed wise as the larger size will be offset by the additional air trapped under the boat.
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Joe said he'll wait till he goes up to the toleto show to deside on what T boat to build. Wants to race it this year.at the gas nats and can am or our club race... phill knows joe's friend.Rick.that guy has a very fast T boat....phill how much time you have into your build so far? And are you going with the fake merlin or hemi in your boat?...joe going to get the blown hemi.
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Joe said he'll wait till he goes up to the toleto show to deside on what T boat to build. Wants to race it this year.at the gas nats and can am or our club race... phill knows joe's friend.Rick.that guy has a very fast T boat....phill how much time you have into your build so far? And are you going with the fake merlin or hemi in your boat?...joe going to get the blown hemi.
My boat will have the front cowl over the engine, the new Zipp sounds good LMK how it looks.
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Joe said he'll wait till he goes up to the toleto show to deside on what T boat to build. Wants to race it this year.at the gas nats and can am or our club race... phill knows joe's friend.Rick.that guy has a very fast T boat....phill how much time you have into your build so far? And are you going with the fake merlin or hemi in your boat?...joe going to get the blown hemi.
My boat will have the front cowl over the engine, the new Zipp sounds good LMK how it looks.
joe will get pics of it and ill post it for you..he got to go to toleto anyways,because were painting 2 JAE's for Ron Olson. So Phill you still didnt answer my question,how many hours do you have so far in that T boat build?
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