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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2001
Here is a boat that was set up by a local Dist 4 member..

Killer looking and im sure its going to rock..

That boat looks familer, I got the same one from Toys-R-Us.

HA HA That boat was Pro Built by Mike Z I only did the hardware and graphics. :D
Hey Guys,

Very nice! I would have went with the Hot Wheel red/yellow/white like their packaging but it's killer none the less.


Im not so sure i would change it..looks just like the real one to me...Hehehhe

This could be the start of a new class and maybe some BIG sponsorship money.

Al Waters

NAMBA Vice President

NAMBA Scale Unlimited Chairman

President-Southern California Scale Thunderboat Association
Phil that's where I got the idea. I can't seem to be able to upload the picture of the Hot Wheels Boat(real toy) that I have.

I have 10 other hot wheel hydroplanes, in addition to the 5 seen on this thread if anyone is interested in a pic of that...

ebay is a wonderful thing...

Garrett Randall
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Hey Mike,

Is that chrome vinyl on the turbine tube? It looks great!

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Yes, that is chrome vinyl for the turbine and black vinyl for the windshield. Both are custom cut to match Grimracer's cowls. That fit the sport 20 Dumas Pay-n-Pak hull. If you or anyone else is interested send me an email at: [email protected].

Yes, that is my boat that Mike pictured,(thanks Mike), it came out looking good because he Pro Built the hull for me. Mike does excellent work.


I just recieved my Pay & Pac yesterday. I am plannig on using one of Grims cowls so would like to see a picture of one of these with the cowl off. I think I will rebuild the kit because of the fit that Dumas has in their kits. All bulkheads from 1/16th ply and main stringers from 1/8th.

Bob :)

we will have to get you some pictures.

When we build the kits we use every stitch of wood that comes in the kit.. the extra room form the Die Crushing make it possible to build a perfectly straight boat.

Dont let the parts in the kit fool you..the boat comes out light and straight.

I have pictures of another Pay-N-pak wait till you see it..i will post tonight.

cool i was just thinking of posting that question...

grim, are there any tanks that have been requested often for the paynpak with your cowl on it? i know i didn't see one on your site, but thought you might have a "popular request" also i saw your site had a turn fin.. excuse my ignorance, but where on the boat does it fit? all the other turn fins i see have a bracket off the right rear, but yours looks like it should bolt to the side... or am i just crazy? :lol:
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Yea we have tanks for that boat and cowl combo.

We shove a carbon fiber bar in the back of the sponson and bolt the TF to that.

Pics here might be a good idea.

Rock on

cool, if you have a pic i would greatly appreciate seeing it, i am about ready to order, just sent lb his money :)