WCRA Race In Brandon


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Bill Britton

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
Both my tunnels are ready and hopefully my speedmaster will be finished and setup.

Here is a race flyer that has been put out at the LHS.

Let the smack begin!
Both my tunnels are ready and hopefully my speedmaster will be finished and setup.
Here is a race flyer that has been put out at the LHS.

Let the smack begin!
Cant wait. New motor in the 40 boat- Look out Gene .

Bill that SpeedMaster looks awefully familiar to one I know with a Blue Stripe on it . LOL

Wish we cold get Rick and Pickles to make the ride, hint -hint. I want some in my own back yard...

Otto , no rtr class to bet on, looks like we will have to find another class. Kidding.. No U-Tube vids either okay... Still kidding.......

Testing the new motor in the am, Im ready...........

Oh yeah, M.V.P- we can buy you a cheap seat on a plane ride down if you wanna get a headstart on what your gonna owe the TBM..............
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A cheap seat? Untouchable only goes first class. I would rather see the look on your faces when the blue Stang pulls up at the pond. Don't worry, I'm coming back but not that soon. :p
A cheap seat? Untouchable only goes first class. I would rather see the look on your faces when the blue Stang pulls up at the pond. Don't worry, I'm coming back but not that soon. :p
Theres are a couple of 2 day DIST races in the near future, blue Mustang- noted. Keep my eye's open for ya. ;)
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Jack found me another 2-3 mph on my scale today so I'll be there with all cylinders. Perry
:( **** ! Will be up at the Suwannee for July 4th weekend (we changed the 4 th to friday the 6th in my shop , makes more sense for a long weekend )so I will have to miss another hometown race ! You guys tear it up !!
Jack found me another 2-3 mph on my scale


What would I rather do? Go 2-3 miles an hour faster?

Or finish every heat???

Some things just make ya go HHUUMM???

I think I know my answer

HHUUMM!!!!!! Great question Rick. I can't seem to do one of them so I guess my answer is the other one - 2 to 3 mph. Some day before I retire I hope to finish four heats. You are an old timer and senior guy in this wonderful sport. How about teaching me how to finish heats? Perry

One week left to have entries in to Gene. As announced at the last Brandon WCRA race, the entry deadline for PAID entries will be Monday, July 2nd. Entries are closed after that.

If your entry wasn't mailed yesterday, the entyr fee is now $12 per boat.

Rick and Pickles, hope to see you there!
Don, Sorry, I just passed the info to Andy Green;

Can't rally the troops to come for a one dayer, too much money out!!

We will be there for the 2 day though, we/I will be missing the Homestead race Chris's birthday that weekend, and we'll be off to see Shamu

****, just when I was building a head of steam in scale??

Oh Well

I got a Neew Sport 20 to bring.

Just so Don has another one to beat up on. :angry:

I'm paintin my Whip on Sunday :D
Guy's and gals, sorry it took so long to get the last WCRA scores in. Laptop meltdown happened, a little repair and it's mostly here.

Time for a new Timex I guess!!
Guy's and gals, sorry it took so long to get the last WCRA scores in. Laptop meltdown happened, a little repair and it's mostly here. Time for a new Timex I guess!!

Thanks Lou, cant wait to see your new boat. Any hints on the paint or do I already know??
New bullet in the 40 mono - Im kinda liking these purple headed motors ;) Im pretty sure its good to go. :rolleyes:

Get to put my rent-a-driver hat on again too. Yee ha - cant wait till Sunday :p :p
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Just to let everyone know, there will be a writer and photographer from the Tribune in attendance on Sunday. We will be getting some great exposure, so let's all make sure to put on a good show.