Turn fin for a 45" Hydro


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Jake Ellwood

Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2019
Hey all,

I've picked up a 45" Miss Budweiser hull from MHz Powerboats and plan on fitting a CMB 90 to it.

Going to need a turn fin for it. Anyone have any guidance on sizing for one and also any links to suppliers please?

Much appreciated :)
Mike Hughes makes them as does Virginia Craftsman.
Both are here on the forum though, unfortunately, I don't remember who the Virginia Craftsman is, just that I have one of his fins and brackets.
Thanks everyone. Also is there any sizing advice when it comes to turn fins? Looking at the ones posted so far, they all vary in size, design, shape etc. Anything to be aware of?
I won't be racing this boat, but am aiming for it to be quick and handle well.

Thanks all!
It really depends on the boat and driver:
  • Some like a fin with a hooked bottom end, some don't.
  • Some like a flat fin that is angled inward at the bottom
  • Some like wide short fins, some work better with long and narrower
The only thing I know of relates to a hooked fin. You have to make sure the hook is parallel to the bottom of the boat. If it's at an angle, it can either lift or pull down on the boat, affecting speed and handling. If it's set properly, they work well.
When it comes to what works the best, it really comes down to try a few different fins and configurations and see what you prefer. If you look at what the full sized boats have used through the years, they have been constantly changing so there isn't really a right or wrong answer to this