Titanium and Aluminium Pistons and hardened sleeves


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Probably for the best…..B.S. doesn’t fly for long in here lest it’s taken away on the feet of flies. You’ve received the “smackdown” from very knowledgeable folks…sorry to see you go so soon.

This forum is no clique…I can attest that most of the folks that have posted in this thread would like to see me go away …..much more than you would think. I would invite you to “hang around” since there are plenty of folks here that will teach you if you want to learn.

I may be stepping out on a limb but …….I would think there is a place here for anyone who really wants to contribute and preserve the hobby. To me, this is apparent from the above posts.
well I stamp steel for a living and I love my R/C boat too..I thought since you cant get parts for my "Old" K&B stuff and I have a my Mazak just sitting here Idle on a saturday Ide Spit some out (P/Ss) For the guys running the Out dated stuff.. Ive Been a tool maker for 25yrs and I can carve alum with a butter knive better than the japs could do on a cnc..<<(My opinion only dont smack me down Please)

I did alot of research and found the nitro burning $100,000 motors run t61 and other low Silicon alloys..so I fiqured if it was good enough for them then i would use it for my mini nitro motors... and they worked BELIEVE IT OR NOT THEY DID.. < smell a smack down coming>

I sell about 15-30 P/Ss a month and I swear to god none ever came back or ever got a "You jerk it came apart and destroyed my case" e-mail or call.. so I though I had a good thing going and also contribiting to the sport and hobby and most of all keepin then wonderfull old K&B 7.5 running.

so there it is with all my poor english skills (I'm a tool maker not and english major)

so Let me see how you guys smack me down now... you know you just couldnt come in and say well you we are seriuos racers and we know alot about this alloy and it works great you should maybe try it.....................AHHH HELL NO that would not count as a " I smack the newbie in the mouth again whhooo hooo)

Oh the saying "Stock motors are for kids real racers run Xtremarine Components" is a saying just like any other silly saying at the bottom of guys post just bragging really its harmless sorry to make so guys cry.

oh looky here I just got an order for 2 con rods made out T61 I suppose T61 is no good for conecting rods to..
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I should just stop posting comments and cancel the email notice of posts being made on this topic.

I dont need to stay here and be belittled Im not as dumb as you think..not a rocket scientist either by no means.

just tring to offer a service oh and all my piston offer 60days guarantee replacement does picco and CMB offer that with there P/Ss<<<< I DONT THINK SO

well this is my final post here at this forum..
There is a lot of inflated numbers when it comes to silicone %. I've had few pistons made for my customers from bar stock 30% silicone aluminum and the quickly failed under the same condition that stock casted pistons had no problem. These were made by the well know guy, after several long conversations he convinced me there is no beter piston aluminum in a world and far superior to stock. Well, he was very wrong, I will take 17% cast piston over 30% bar stock any day.

I have also been told by few people who know a lot about this stuff that aluminum really can not be made with more than 22-23% silicone by sintering process and 17-18% casting. It is kind of like putting sugar in water, once it reaches certain level it doesn't mater how much sugar you put in it will just sit on the bottom.
I sell about 15-30 P/Ss a month and I swear to god none ever came back or ever got a "You jerk it came apart and destroyed my case" e-mail or call.. so I though I had a good thing going and also contribiting to the sport and hobby and most of all keepin then wonderfull old K&B 7.5 running.

so there it is with all my poor english skills (I'm a tool maker not and english major)

so Let me see how you guys smack me down now... you know you just couldnt come in and say well you we are seriuos racers and we know alot about this alloy and it works great you should maybe try it.....................AHHH HELL NO that would not count as a " I smack the newbie in the mouth again whhooo hooo)
If you had come on here with info on lightweight pistons made out of the correct material with the correct tapers etc. then you would have had more emails wanting to buy from you than you could imagine. Coming on here talking rubbish and insulting the intelligence of the members is not the way to promote your sales. As far as I can see, you started off digging a hole for yourself and didnt know when to throw away the spade.

Maybe you should ask which is the best piston alloy and then see if you can buy it and machine it.

I did alot of research and found the nitro burning $100,000 motors run t61 and other low Silicon alloys..so I fiqured if it was good enough for them then i would use it for my mini nitro motors... and they worked BELIEVE IT OR NOT THEY DID..
I can appreciate the strength factor in a top fuel motor however you are comparing apples & oranges. Those 100k motors still use rings to provide the seal, not the fit of the piston to the bore. The clearances are so high in those motors that if they were muffled you'd easily hear the piston skirt slap when the motor is first fired. Take away the rings & you'd also have no compression. Secondly those motors only spend their life at the top end of the rpm band for a few seconds at a time while our motors run for a few minutes turning two to three times the rpm. Higher silicone content in our top performing nitro motors is a necessity because of the fit & performance requirements we present. While I think it's quite commendable that you want to make parts for those hard to get K&B's but I can tell you first hand that a K&B 7.5 will never stand up to the rigors of what is needed to be a front runner these days. I don't know where you are from but I'd like to suggest perhaps stopping by the Springnationals in Atlanta at the end of April. You'll get to see the levels at which we put these motors through in a true head on balls to the wall competition environment. It would probably make for a good fact finding mission for you in your quest to offer replacement pistons as I can tell you the K&B benchmark you're working with will not come close to current level performance. This is not meant to be a smack down in any way but rather a suggestion to better aquaint yourself with what is really happening out there in the current racing circuits. ;)
One more thing.. It just hit me.. do you really think your chinese <视频和音频新闻以及专题报道。> motors use pure alloys they use recycled alloys soo blind you guys are.. mine are from alcoa Cleveland ohio USA made here.. I have seen those casting plants (gypsum from the negitives mixing in the batter) pure ya rite those guys making $7 a month to make your motors.. 17% ,12% ect... do you really think your getting that kind of quality ..there raw materials rang the lowest in the world..

get out of your little pipe dream
You are full of crap!!!!!!!!!!

I been a machinst for 40 yrs, I learn new stuff every day.

You better learn alot more than you do.

You are full of crap!!!!!!!!!!

I been a machinst for 40 yrs, I learn new stuff every day.

You better learn alot more than you do.

Oh so you think the chinese make better alloys then USA and you a machinist for 40yrs.. if any one would agree with me it would be the 60yr old machinist... but your not you love chinese yaa and you drive a Kia to huh?
Mr. X

You are arguing with people who have the knowledge you need to carry this argument…

Even I know when to quit bro,

and I love a great argument....but not one without the facts

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The only way to get good aluminum for pistons, is to make a mold and have then cast.

There is no aluminum with the right % of silicon in it, without have it cast.


Most of the pistons are made in gravity feed mold, so the piston is good and solid.

The foundry can put the right % of silicon in the aluminum.

I had a foundry spark check a few pistons, for property in them.

I do hnow what Iam talking about, how about you!!!!!

One more thing.. It just hit me.. do you really think your chinese <视频和音频新闻以及专题报道。> motors use pure alloys they use recycled alloys soo blind you guys are.. mine are from alcoa Cleveland ohio USA made here.. I have seen those casting plants (gypsum from the negitives mixing in the batter) pure ya rite those guys making $7 a month to make your motors.. 17% ,12% ect... do you really think your getting that kind of quality ..there raw materials rang the lowest in the world..
get out of your little pipe dream
Gene, what makes you think we run Chinese motors? Most of the competitive motors are made in Italy however, Andy's motors are now being made in the USA. He may even be getting his aluminum from alcoa "Cleveland ohio USA made here". The bottom line is you are trying to resurrect a dinosaur of a motor and the best piston in the world wouldn't overcome the rest of it's deficiencies.

You may not realize it but just about every world record holder's engine builder has shot holes in your butt over this subject. Maybe you can prove us all wrong by showing up at a record trial and show us how blind they are.
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The only way to get good aluminum for pistons, is to make a mold and have then cast.

There is no aluminum with the right % of silicon in it, without have it cast.


Most of the pistons are made in gravity feed mold, so the piston is good and solid.

The foundry can put the right % of silicon in the aluminum.

I had a foundry spark check a few pistons, for property in them.

I do hnow what Iam talking about, how about you!!!!!

Well I cant argue with you on that I know little about casting.. so if i bought cast stock Ide be better off?
Your Wright about one thing you know nothing about casting. I work in die casting as a tool maker and it sounds like you no Sh''t.

quote name='dave roach' post='138000' date='Mar 4 2006, 08:58 PM']

Your Wright about one thing you know nothing about casting. I work in die casting as a tool maker and it sounds like you no Sh''t.


I do know mold making and tool making

lol know sh*t lol keep punchin a clock ROaCH

now its out of hand I try to ask for so info And i still get smacked lol



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quote name='dave roach' post='138000' date='Mar 4 2006, 08:58 PM']

Your Wright about one thing you know nothing about casting. I work in die casting as a tool maker and it sounds like you no Sh''t.

I do know mold making and tool making

lol know sh*t lol keep punchin a clock ROaCH

now its out of hand I try to ask for so info And i still get smacked lol




WOW :blink: I believe you so you always work hard hell! your goal toy Hummer H2 truck. <_< Would you show me your picture big machine shop?
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One more thing.. It just hit me.. do you really think your chinese <视频和音频新闻以及专题报道。> motors use pure alloys they use recycled alloys soo blind you guys are.. mine are from alcoa Cleveland ohio USA made here.. I have seen those casting plants (gypsum from the negitives mixing in the batter) pure ya rite those guys making $7 a month to make your motors.. 17% ,12% ect... do you really think your getting that kind of quality ..there raw materials rang the lowest in the world..

get out of your little pipe dream
You must be refering to those cheap airplane motors that Tower Hobbies sells, yep they are made in China, or Tiawan, and the new K&B motors are probably being made there as well, as they are part of the Mecoa Group of engines. All of the engines that competitive model boaters run today are made in Italy by either

Rossi, CMB, OPS & PICCO, MAC's were until recently. People that have posted on this thread like Andy Brown, Frank Orlic, Dave Marles are all engine specialist in their own right in our hobby. To knock them is a slap in the face as they of all people in the model boating hobby know what it takes to win and keep an engine together, no matter what the RPM range is. Coming on to the scene and making bold and brash statements and insult people is no way to gain trust in an orginization that was started to promote frendly and informative threads to advance the competiveness and freindship of people all around the globe that enjoy the hobby of model boating be it as a serious all out racer or just a have fun sport boater.

Mr Xtreme, a challenge was offered earlier in this thread, come to the Spring Nationals in Atlanta and show your claims to be factual...........In other words "Get off the porch and run with the BIG DOGS or sit back and keep quiet"...... B)
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respectfully submitted:

Novarossi too




PS....dude has a hummer

I got a hummer once......but it was in the backseat of a chevy B)
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It would be tempting to but a machine together nomatter what the cost just to race one of those loud mouth know it all.. Maybe Ill back up my Hummer and go to atlanta just to grudge race one of those know it all too good to listen to no man but GOD model boat guys... Now Im an A$$ now deal with it

Model men :lol:
Hey KB;

Not that kind of Hummer,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :lol:

oh looky here I just got an order for 2 con rods made out T61 I suppose T61 is no good for conecting rods to..

Hmm, dunno about others but this annoys me! T61 hey?? that a heat treatment spec, not an alloy.

T61 what??? wood maybe hehe :D :D


yes i make pistons and conrods too, and there raced!!
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