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Don Ferrette

Staff member
Supporting Member
Nov 25, 2003
Folks for ANY MODEL BOATER living in the U.S. this is something that needs to be elevated to the top of your must keep an eye on list-

Read it closely.... very, very closely. If this gets through then your government will have unimpeded jurisdiction over ANY body of water public or private. here is Clean Water Restoration Act (S-787-IS) section 4 of the bill-


Section 502 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1362) is amended--

(1) by striking paragraph (7);

(2) by redesignating paragraphs (8) through (25) as paragraphs (7) through (24), respectively; and

(3) by adding at the end the following:

`(25) WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES- The term `waters of the United States' means all waters subject to the ebb and flow of the tide, the territorial seas, and all interstate and intrastate waters and their tributaries, including lakes, rivers, streams (including intermittent streams), mudflats, sandflats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, natural ponds, and all impoundments of the foregoing, to the fullest extent that these waters, or activities affecting these waters, are subject to the legislative power of Congress under the Constitution.'.

This is serious stuff. I love this hobby and want to protect it. :ph34r:
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I figured this was coming. They are removing all of our other rights, on purpose, so this is not suprise. Its call New World Order. They will remove all our rights, remove the constitution, then we will be economic slaves. One reason I switched to electric is the fear that my local pond would eventually have a ban on noise and gas engines.
I figured this was coming. They are removing all of our other rights, on purpose, so this is not suprise. Its call New World Order. They will remove all our rights, remove the constitution, then we will be economic slaves. One reason I switched to electric is the fear that my local pond would eventually have a ban on noise and gas engines.
Guess what? FE is not exempt by a long shot. What is the boat and ALL it's components made of? What is it painted with? And the biggie- what is it powered by? None of it is biodegradable...... :ph34r:
The question then becomes-

HOW do we the people stop it ??

Really ....

If this is part of the overall plan- will we REALLY have a say ????

The question then becomes-

HOW do we the people stop it ??

Really ....

If this is part of the overall plan- will we REALLY have a say ????

No we will not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No need to the goverment knows what is best for us no mater if we like it or not!

The question then becomes-

HOW do we the people stop it ??

Really ....

If this is part of the overall plan- will we REALLY have a say ????

No we will not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No need to the goverment knows what is best for us no mater if we like it or not!


The environmental movement is destroying this country in so many ways!....

Al Gore can suck it!
The ones in Gov. now have no idea what is good for us oh yes they do they dont care. It is called a socialist gov. we have no say.
they need to pull all the war ships out of the water if they pass that.
What worries me is not so much what the bill says as much as what it doesn't say. While it specifically mentions the economic gains due to hunting and fishing in $$$$, it doesn't say anything about boating or power systems of these boats. It's not a big stretch to infer that powerboats of all sizes would be considered polution sources and made illegal or at least made illegal on bodies of water falling under certain definitions. It's also not a big stretch to see sailboats being restricted due to the antifouling paints used on their bottoms. Since Washington State Senator Maria Cantwell is one of the ones behind this, I think a letter to her office is in the making since I live in Washington. Those in Minnesota might want to do the same since this bill was instegated by a Minnesota senator.
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Both Namba and Impba boards and all its members need to press for an EPA exemption for our model engines. This can be accomplished based on their miniature size and displacement as well as the fact that they make up an extremely small percentage of the recreational hobby market for model engines. If we do nothing then don't cry if your RC boats are shelved as static dislay models.
The question then becomes-

HOW do we the people stop it ??

Really ....

If this is part of the overall plan- will we REALLY have a say ????

andy, we really do have a say. its called, stop paying your taxes and stop voting! WHEN THE HELL IS THE REVOLUTION GOING TO BEGIN!! :angry: :angry:
The question then becomes-

HOW do we the people stop it ??

Really ....

If this is part of the overall plan- will we REALLY have a say ????

andy, we really do have a say. its called, stop paying your taxes and stop voting! WHEN THE HELL IS THE REVOLUTION GOING TO BEGIN!! :angry: :angry:
You have to pay taxes they take it out of your pay check every week. But what you can do is take all your money out of the bank and the market and put it under your mattress. Using money orders to pay your bills. It will take all the leverage away from the big wigs to buy the vote on capital hill.

It will put the leverage back in are hands because we will have all the money. It wont be in the system for them to use to there advantage. If every one did this it would be a new order in the USA.


My Grand father and my father are members of the Pilgrims society, Sons of the American revolution and masons. I am named after a signer of the declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Samuel Drew my middle name is Drew.

I have a great respect for this country and what it stands for. This is not the direction we should be going. We need a change!

Only we the people can make change. Stop talking and start doing.

David Drew Wilfong
Over 50% of the population of the USA voted for "change". Here's some of that change they voted for...

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So..... Who is going to get on board and get this ball rolling, I can see all the crazed Bama-followers at my local MAN made pond built specifically for boat racing, threatening us model boaters. So do we write letters, petitions? etc.?
Both Namba and Impba boards and all its members need to press for an EPA exemption for our model engines. This can be accomplished based on their miniature size and displacement as well as the fact that they make up an extremely small percentage of the recreational hobby market for model engines. If we do nothing then don't cry if your RC boats are shelved as static dislay models.

And we make sure that happens how?

Im not being a smart ass - But , it seems its time to figure out a way to get the ball rolling.

OR do we just sit back as the quiet crowd - not draw attention - and fight it later :rolleyes:
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So..... Who is going to get on board and get this ball rolling, I can see all the crazed Bama-followers at my local MAN made pond built specifically for boat racing, threatening us model boaters. So do we write letters, petitions? etc.?
Well supposedly a hand written or typed and mailed letter is considered to carry far more weight than anything e-mailed. Somebody, somewhere determined for our "representatives" on the hill (and probably at tax payer expense) that the effort put forth to actually mail a single letter was worth as much as 100 e-mails. So regardless if you hand write or type something out on your PC, sign it, hand address the envelope and mail it in. And lastly, choose your words carefully and make them count. B)