*** The 2012 Atlanta Model Boaters IMPBA Spring Nationals - Now Accepting Entries ***


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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2004
Hey Gang,


We are now accepting entires for the 2012 IMPBA Spring Nationals!!! The race is being held in Atlanta, GA on April 21st and 22nd, 2012. CD's for the event are:

Norman Morton = AMB Vice-President, District XIII GP Director, & Former IMPBA National Gas Director

Doug Smock = IMPBA District XIII Director & IMPBA National Records Director

This year, entries are being taken via RCRacingevents.com ONLY. We are also requiring payment via PayPal at the time of entry. You do not need a PayPal account to pay via PayPal, as long as you have a valid credit card, you can process payment. See attached PDF for instructions on how to pay via credit card w/o a PayPal account.

We appreciate your continued support of the IMPBA Spring Nationals.

For more information see the attached flyer or RCRacingEvents.com.


Lamar Huff


Atlanta Model Boaters


PS: Before anyone asks... the number of tickets available for each class are based upon historical entry data from the past 3-years. However; the number of tickets per class can be shifted around as we go. It is truly FIRST COME - FIRST SERVED. Being a 2-day event our goal is to cap the race at around 160 heats so we can finish in a reasonable amount of time.


2012 Spring Nationals Flyer.pdf

RCRacingEvents Credit Card Instructions.pdf


  • 2012 Spring Nationals Flyer.pdf
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  • RCRacingEvents Credit Card Instructions.pdf
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Hey Gang,

Apparently there is some confusion over the PayPal/Credit Card payment situation. You do not need a PayPal account to register for the event utilizing the RCRacingEvents.com website, all you need is a valid credit card.

I have attached step-by-step instructions guiding you through the entire process of paying via credit card. Again, you do not need a PayPal account to render payment via credit card. The process outlined in the attached PDF does not establish a PayPal account for you... PayPal is simply facilitating the credit card transaction (we eat the PayPal fees, not you).

Please see the attached PDF for step-by step instructions.


Lamar Huff


Atlanta Model Boaters

RCRacingEvents Credit Card Instructions.pdf


  • RCRacingEvents Credit Card Instructions.pdf
    553.5 KB · Views: 10
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well this is pretty wild looking, over half of the entries are from the Knoxvill Gang at this time, and probably more to

come still yet.GO DISTRICT 5,,were on a major come back. enter up guys!!!

Mark, I am ready to race. I wonder why the Atlanta crew is not entered yet.
We appreciate the support of the Knoxville crew!

I am not sure about the rest of the ATL gang, but the Huff boys are entered and ready to race!

Thanks again, and see you guys and gals in April.



Did you leave out your Mother, or is she not going to race this year???

Walt Barney

Mom has pretty much backed out of racing, but she is still flying rockets on occasion.

She typically keeps the grandkids when Scott comes down for the races now (he has two small children). If for some reason the kids don't come down I am sure she will make an appearance @ the pond. :)



I found out this past weekend that my niece who got engaged over the Christmas holiday has settled on a date of April 21 2012. The wife has made attending the wedding in Kentucky mandatory so no ATL Nats for me this year.

Sorry guys. :(
Dammit Man!! My RR twin Wanted a Bite Out of that JAG twin
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Sorry to hear you can't make it this year Buckshot...

52 weekends out of the year to get married and she had to pick the dates for the Spring Nats!!! :)

Appreciate you rolling your entry fee over into a sponsorship for F-Mono.

Maybe next year...


Bring you TWINS to Atlanta my twin will be there ;-)

Joe we will race him eventually
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I found out this past weekend that my niece who got engaged over the Christmas holiday has settled on a date of April 21 2012. The wife has made attending the wedding in Kentucky mandatory so no ATL Nats for me this year.

Sorry guys. :(
dude,what goes on there in texas?? :wacko: it's only a neice..and wife's..thats why divorce cost so much..because IT"S WORTH IT!!! :D hope to see you in the fall,PS, i,m signed up,can't wait to smell some nitro and see some friends.mikie.
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Mikey... I just caught myself reading your post to myself with a very 'yankee' jerseyish accent...lol.

That is all.

~ James
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All you Florida Boys Coming to Atlanta Spring NATS??? or just going to stay home and run in your back yard????
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Mikey... I just caught myself reading your post to myself with a very 'yankee' jerseyish accent...lol.

That is all.

~ James
hi james,so used to hearing the "yankee thing" sinced i move to SC,but now you insult me :p and say i'm from jersey,Brooklyn,NY, B) and dam proud of it! right TOMMY..BADA BING! PS,see james it catches on.. :D see ya'll soon.mikie.